Page 31 - Revelation
P. 31

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            looked very well, I gradually succeeded in convincing my mother that nothing bad
            was happening to me right then and nothing frightful would happen in the immediate
            future. It was a plain truth: I truly felt splendid, except for that "ultrasensitive" mental
            condition which  made all my senses a little too "exposed"  – colours, sounds and
            feelings were so keen and bright that sometimes it was hard for me to breathe. I think
            that this "supersensitisation" was the reason for my following and next "unbelievable"

                       The second contact

                  It was a late autumn afternoon and some of our neighbourhood guys were going
            to go the forest after school to pick the last autumn mushrooms. Of course, I went
            with them too. The  weather was extremely soft and pleasant. The still warm sunrays
            jumped like bright young hares among the golden leaves, sometimes leaking down to
            earth and warming it with the last parting glow. The forest met us wearing its elegant
            festively-bright autumn attire, ready to hug us in its tender arms like an old friend.
                  My cherished slender birchs, gilded by autumn, generously dropped their "gold-
            leaf-coins" at the faintest breeze and seemingly did not notice that very soon they
            would be left face to face with their nakedness and would bashfully wait until spring
            again dressed them in their tender smart new clothes. And only majestic evergreen
            fir-trees proudly shook off the old pine-needles, preparing to become the forest’s only
            decoration during the long and colourless winter. Yellow leaves quietly rustled under
            my feet, hiding the last russules and milk mushrooms. The grass under the leaves was
            warm, soft and moist, inviting me to walk on it.

                  As usual, I took off my boots and went barefoot. I adored walking barefoot
            always and everywhere when the slightest opportunity arose! Although, very often I
            had to pay for these walks with tonsillitis which sometimes lasted a very long time,
            but, as they say, "the game was worth the candle". It seemed that my feet acquired
            "sight"  without  shoes,  and  a  special  keen  sense  of  freedom  from  something
            unnecessary, which seemingly impeded breathing, appeared... It was a genuine little
            pleasure, not comparable to anything else, and it was worth paying for it sometimes.
                  As usual we divided into pairs and went in various directions. Very soon I felt
            that I had been alone for some time. I cannot say that it frightened me (I was never
            afraid of the forest), but I became ill at ease because of a strange feeling that someone
            was  observing  me.  I  decided  not  to  pay  attention  to  it  and  continued  to  pick
            mushrooms. But the sense of supervision gradually increased and had already become

                  I stopped, closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on seeing who did it, when
            suddenly I clearly heard somebody's voice:
                  – That's correct…
                  For some reason it seemed to me that it did not sound outside but only in my
            head. I stood in the middle of a little glade and felt the air around me begin to vibrate
            very strongly. A silvery-blue transparent glimmering column appeared right before
            me and a human figure gradually materialised in it. It was a very tall (according to our
            concepts) and mighty man with silver hair. For some reason I thought he looked very
            like the statue of our God Percunas (Perun) for which every year we made campfires

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