Page 33 - Revelation
P. 33

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            felt very much, with my whole being, appeared.

                  – Be careful, – my guest said.
                  – Careful? Why? – I asked.

                  – You have been born… – came the reply.
                  His tall figure began to vibrate. The glade began to whirl. When I opened my
            eyes, my extraordinary stranger had already disappeared, to my utmost regret. One of
            the boys, Romas, stood in front of me and observed my "awakening". He asked me
            what I did there and whether I was going to pick mushrooms. When I asked what time
            it was, he looked at me with surprise and told me. I understood then that everything
            that happened to me had lasted just a few minutes!
                  I got up (it appeared that I had sat down on the earth), dusted myself down and
            was already going to go, when I suddenly noticed a very strange detail – the whole
            glade around us was green!!! It had the same amazing emerald colour, as in the early
            spring!  Our  mutual  surprise  became  even  bigger  when  we  saw  beautiful  spring
            flowers in it! It was absolutely fabulous and regrettably, completely inexplicable.
            Probably it was a side-effect of my strange guest's visit. But I could neither explain
            nor even understand it then.

                  – What have you done? – Romas asked.
                  – It was not me, – I guiltily mumbled.

                  – Well then, let's go, – he agreed.
                  Romas was one of those rare friends of that time, who was not afraid of my
            "tricks", and nothing that constantly happened to me could surprise him. He simply
            trusted me, and therefore I did not have to explain anything to him, which I considered
            a  very  rare  and  valuable  exception.  When  we  came  back  from  the  forest,  I  was
            shivering, but I thought that I had simply caught a light chill and decided not to disturb
            my  mother  unless  something  serious  appeared.  Everything  was  over  by  the  next
            morning, and I was so pleased that it fully confirmed my notion that it was indeed just
            a chill. However, it was too early to celebrate the happy ending of my adventure.

                       The result

                  In the morning when I went to breakfast as usual, I had only to stretch out my
            hand to get the heavy glass cup and it moved sharply toward me, spilling some milk
            on the table. I felt a bit ill at ease. I tried again, the cup moved again. Then I thought
            about the bread. Two slices next to me jumped and fell down on the floor. Frankly
            speaking, my hair began to stand on end. Not because I was frightened. I was not
            afraid of almost anything then, but because it was something so very "earthly" and
            precise; it was right here and I had absolutely no idea how to control it.
                  I tried to calm down, took a deep breath and tried again. This time I did not try
            to touch anything, but decided only to think of what I wanted – for example, I wanted
            a cup in my hand. Certainly, it did not happen; it just sharply moved. But I rejoiced!!!
            My whole being squealed with delight, because I understood that, moving sharply or
            not, it happened just at my mental wish! It was awesome! Certainly, at once I wanted
            to try the "novelty" on all the living and lifeless "objects" I could find.

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