Page 34 - Revelation
P. 34

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  My  grandma  was  within  easy  reach,  placidly  preparing  her  next  culinary
            "masterpiece" in the kitchen. It was very quiet; my grandma murmured a song to
            herself, as suddenly a heavy cast-iron frying pan jumped like a bird from the stove
            and fell on the floor with a terribly loud sound. Grandma jumped up in surprise almost
            like the pan, but to give her due, she settled down at once and said:

                  – Stop it!
                  I felt slightly offended, because it had already become a family habit that I was
            always found guilty of whatever happened in the house (although this time, it certainly
            was, absolutely true).

                  – Why do you think it was me? – I asked, pouting.
                  – Well, as far as I know we don't have ghosts here, – she said calmly.
                  I loved her very much for her imperturbability and steadfast calmness. It seemed
            that nothing in this world could truly get her out of the groove. Although, of course,
            there  were  things  which  distressed,  surprised,  or  made  her  sad,  but  she  accepted
            everything with surprising calmness, and therefore I always felt very comfortable and
            protected with her. Somehow I suddenly felt that my grandma showed some interest
            in my last "trick". My gut feeling was that she observed me and waited for something
            more. Well, I certainly did not keep her waiting long. In a few seconds all the utensils
            which hung over the stove flew down with a terrible noisy crash right after the frying

                  – Well, well. It is much easier to break than to build; you’d better do something
            useful, – my grandma said calmly.
                  I almost suffocated with indignation! Just imagine! How could she treat this
            "unbelievable event" so calmly?! Doesn’t she see that this is such... SUCH an event!!!
            I could not explain how much this "SUCH" was, but I was absolutely sure that one
            should not treat what had just happened so calmly. My indignation made not the
            slightest impression on my grandma, and she said, again in her calm voice:

                  – It’s pretty useless to spend that much force on what can be easily done with
                    your hands.
            You’d better go and read something.
                  My indignation had no limits! I could not understand why she was not totally
            delighted with that which seemed to me such an awesome thing? Unfortunately, I still
            was too small then to understand that all these impressive "outer effects" in reality
            gave nothing but the "outer effects" themselves. And the essence of producing
            them is just to "befog" trustful and impressionable people's minds with "the mysticism
            of the inexplicable", and my grandma, naturally, was not this kind of person. But
            because I had not yet grown to such understanding, I was only eager to find out what
            else I could move. Therefore, feeling no regret whatsoever, I left my gran who did not
            "understand" me to search for a new object of my "experiments".
                 A beautiful grey cat, Grishka, dad's favourite pet, lived with us then. I found him
            sweetly sleeping on the warm stove and decided that it was a very good opportunity
            to try my new "skill". I thought that it would be better, if he sat on the window-sill.
            Nothing happened. I concentrated and added more strength to my thought... Poor

            Grishka flew from the stove with a wild howl and struck his head on the window-sill.
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