Page 39 - Revelation
P. 39

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            usual and normal for me and, unfortunately, made me suffer quite often...


                  That winter I acquired the next new "abnormality" which, probably, can be called
            self- anaesthesia. Regrettably, it disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Just as very
            many of my "strange" manifestations which suddenly and very brightly opened in me
            did and then disappeared, leaving only good or bad recollections in my enormous
            personal "brain archive". But even that short time, when this "novelty" was "active",
            was enough for two quite interesting events to happen.

                  The winter had already come and my class-mates began more often to go to a
            skating rink. I was not a big fan of figure-skating (more precisely, I preferred to watch
            it), but our skating rink was so beautiful that I simply liked to be there. It was arranged
            every winter on the town's stadium which was built right in the forest (as was a greater
            part of our town) and was surrounded by a high brick wall which made it look like a
            diminutive city.
                  An  enormous  beautifully  decorated  new-year  tree  was  there  already  from
            October  and  the  wall  around  the  stadium  was  decorated  with  hundreds  of
            multicoloured bulbs the reflections of which interlaced on the ice like a very beautiful
            shining  carpet.  Pleasant  music  sounded  there  every  evening.  All  that  created  an
            agreeable festive atmosphere which nobody would wish to leave. All the children
            from our street went there and of course, I went with them. So, the accident about
            which I would like to tell you happened precisely on one of those pleasant quiet
                  Usually we skated making a chain of three or four children, because it was not
            quite safe to skate alone. The reason for that was a number of boys who came every

            evening to play a nasty "catching" game. They spoiled everybody's enjoyment and
            were disliked by all. Several of them would join together and, skating very quickly,
            try to catch the girls and knock them off their feet. The girls were usually unable to
            withstand the blow and fell onto the ice. It was all accompanied by laughter and
            whooping, which many found foolish, but, for some reason, nobody made any attempt
            to stop.
                  It  always  surprised  me,  that  among  so  many  almost  adult  guys  nobody  was
            angered enough or at least touched by this situation to feel forced into to producing
            some kind of counteraction. Maybe they were, but fear was stronger. There is a foolish
            saying:  "Being  cheeky  is  fun".  So,  these  "catchers"  took  others  prisoner  by  their
            frankly not funny insolent behaviour. It happened every night and nobody even tried
            to stop these obnoxious fellows.

                  One evening I was caught in exactly the same foolish "trap". I did not skate well
            and therefore tried to stay as far away as possible from the mad "catchers", but it did
            not help much, because they rushed about all over the rink like beings possessed,
            sparing nobody. Therefore, no matter whether I wanted it or not, our collision was
                  The push was very strong and the whole moving pile of our bodies fell on the
            ice. I was not hurt, but I suddenly felt something hot flow down my ankle and my leg

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