Page 38 - Revelation
P. 38

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            that, because before the incident she always treated me very well, and now she had to
            make a quick (and preferably "faultless"!) decision regarding me. I also knew that she
            was worried about her son, because we still had no news about his state.

                  I did not remember how the lesson passed. Time hung heavy and it seemed that
            there would be no end to it. Finally the bell rang and I came to the teacher at once and
            said that I was so sorry about the incident, but that I honestly did not understand how
            it could happen. I do not know whether she knew something about my strange abilities
            or she just saw something in my eyes, but she somehow understood that  nobody
            would be able to punish me more than I had already punished myself.
                  – Go and prepare for the next lesson, everything will be all right, – she said nothing

                  I shall never forget that terribly painful hour of expectation, while we waited for
            news from the hospital. I felt very frightened and alone, and this awful recollection
            was forever printed on my memory. I was guilty of an "attempt" on somebody's
            life!!! It did not matter whether it happened by chance or unintentionally. It was a
            Human Life, and it could have abruptly come to an end through my action, albeit
            inadvertent. Certainly, I had no right whatsoever to do that.
                  As  it  turned  out  to  my  enormous  relief,  nothing  terrible  happened  to  our
            "terrorist-class-mate" except for getting a good fright. He got off with just a small
            bump and already the next day sat at his desk; only this time he was quiet as a mouse
            and, to everybody's satisfaction, undertook no "vindictive" action toward me. The
            world was wonderful again!!! I could breathe freely, without feeling that terrible guilt,
            which recently hung so heavily on me and which would have poisoned my whole
            existence for many long years, if a different reply had come from the hospital.
                  Certainly, the bitter sense of reproach and deep regret for what I had done still
            shattered my peace and quiet, but that terrible genuine sense of fear, which held my
            whole being in its cold grip until we got positive news, left my perturbed soul. It
            seemed that everything was all right again. However, this ill-starred incident left such
            a deep print in my heart that I could not even hear about anything "unusual". I pushed
            aside the least manifestation of any "oddity" in me, and as soon as I felt that something
            "strange"  began  to  show  up,  I  tried  to  suppress  it, preventing  myself  from  being
            involved in a whirlpool of any sudden dangerous activity.

                  I honestly tried to be the most ordinary "normal" child: I went to school (and
            studied even more than usual!), read a lot, more often went to the cinema with friends,
            diligently attended my favourite musical school… and continuously felt a deep aching
            emptiness in my soul which any of those studies and pastimes were unable to fill,
            even if I honestly tried to do my best.
                  But days raced past one another and everything "bad and frightful" gradually
            began to be forgotten. Time healed big and small scars in my child's heart and, like
            they say, absolutely correctly, truly appeared to be the best and most reliable healer.
            I began to come back to life and little by little returned to my usual "abnormal" state
            which I had terribly missed all this time.

                  Not without reason do they say that even the heaviest burden is not so heavy for
            us only because it ours. It appeared that I longed for my "abnormalities" which became

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