Page 59 - Revelation
P. 59

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            to  each  other,  children  who  were  suddenly  thrown  into  a  strange  and
            incomprehensible world. I really felt for them and could only try to imagine the horror
            of a little girl who did not have a clue as to what death was.

                  I came near and, fearing to frighten them, softly said:
                  – Let's talk, I can hear you.
                  –      Vidas! She can hear us!!! – The girl chirped. – And who are you? Are you

            a good person?
            Can you tell my Mummy that we're scared?
                  The words streamed from her lips nonstop. Obviously, she was terribly afraid
            that I would suddenly disappear and she would loose the chance to say everything she
            wanted. She looked at the ambulance and saw that the paramedics had redoubled their
                  – Look, look, they will take us away now, but what about us?! – The frightened
            child babbled in horror, unable to understand what was going on.

                  I felt caught in a blind alley because this was the first time I had come across
            children who had just died and had no idea how to explain all that to them. The boy
            seemed to understand something but his sister was so terribly frightened by what was
            going on, that her little heart refused to understand anything at all. I was confused for
            some moments and wanted very much to calm her down, but I could not find the right
            words and, being afraid of doing more harm, kept silent.
                  Suddenly  the  figure  of  a  man  emerged  from  the  ambulance  and  I  heard  the
            paramedics' voices crying: "We are losing him!" Then I understood that the next to
            say farewell to life was the father...

                  – Daddy!!! – The girl exclaimed with joy. – I thought that you had left us and
                    here you are!
            Oh goody. That's better!
                  The father, understanding nothing, looked around. On seeing his body covered
            with wounds and the paramedics bustling around it, he grabbed his head with both
            hands and howled faintly. It was very strange to watch a big strong man contemplating
            his death in such wild horror. Or maybe, it always happens exactly this way? Because
            he, unlike children, perfectly understood that his earthly life was over and nobody
            could do anything about that despite wishing with all one's heart that it was not so...
                  – Daddy, daddy, aren't you glad? Can you really see us? – His daughter chattered
            happily, oblivious of his despair. The father looked at them with such confusion and

            pain that my heart was slowly torn to pieces...
                  – Good Lord, you, too?!.. And you?.. But why – you?! – These were the only
            words he could find to say.
                  The three bodies in the ambulance were already covered fully; there was no
            doubt that all three were dead. The mother was the one who remained alive and, to
            tell the truth, I did not envy her "awakening" at all. In fact, on seeing that she had lost
            her whole family, the woman could well renounce her life too.

                  – Daddy, will Mummy wake up soon? – The girl asked merrily.
                  The  father  was  totally  confused  but  I  saw  that  he  did  his  best  to  gather  his

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