Page 58 - Revelation
P. 58

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            small then, therefore the city services could react to any incident quite quickly and
            efficiently. After some swift words the paramedics carefully began to take out the
            maimed bodies, one by one. The first was the boy's body whose spirit stood in shocked
            silence next to me, unable to say or think anything.

                  The poor little fellow was shivering wildly. Obviously, it was too much for his
            child's overtaxed mind to comprehend. He just looked goggle-eyed at that which had
            been "him" some moments ago and had no strength to come out of his prolonged
                  –      Mummy, Mummy!!! – The girl began to cry again. – Vidas, Vidas, why
            does she not hear me?!

                  Or rather, she cried mentally because, unfortunately, she was already dead
            physically, as was her brother.
                  And  her  poor  mother,  whose  physical  body  still  clutched  tenaciously  at  its
            fragile, hardly glimmering life, could not hear her because they already belonged to
            different, inaccessible to each other, worlds....
                  The children became more confused and I felt that give it another minute or two
            and  the  girl  would  have  a  real  nervous  breakdown  (if  that  can  be  said  about  an
            incorporeal spirit).

                  – Why are we lying there, why does Mummy not answer us?! – The girl still
            cried tugging at her brother's sleeve.
                  – Maybe because we are dead. – The boy answered with his teeth chattering.

                  – What about Mummy? – The girl whispered in horror.
                  – Mum is alive. – Her brother answered somewhat doubtfully.
                  – But what about us? Why don't you tell them that we are here, that they cannot
            go away without us! Tell them!!! – The girl still could not calm down.

                  – I cannot, they do not hear us. Don't you see? They truly don't hear us. – The
            boy tried somehow to explain it to his little sister; but she was too young to understand
            that  her  mother  could  neither  hear  her,  nor  talk  to  her,  anymore.  She  could  not
            understand  and  refused  to  accept  this  horrid  situation.  Spreading  the  tears  that
            streamed down her pale cheeks with her little fists, she saw only her mother who for
            some reason did not want to answer her and did not want to rise.
                  – Mummy, please, get up! – She began to cry again. – Please, get up, Mummy!!!

                  The paramedics began to carry the bodies into the ambulance and the girl lost her
                  – Vidas, Vidas, they are taking all of us away!!! What about us, why we are here?
            – She was unable to calm down.
                  The boy was paralyzed with fright. He stood silent, even forgetting about his little

                  –      What shall we do now? – The girl became panic-stricken. – Go now, please,
            let's go!!!
                  – Where to? – The boy asked quietly. – We have nowhere to go.

                  I could not stand it any longer and decided to talk to the poor frightened, clinging

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