Page 84 - Revelation
P. 84

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            unwilling to change his look after so many years.

                  Usually, when people die, for some time their spirits always look just like they
            looked in the moment of their physical death. Most likely, the shock and wild fear
            before the unknown is great enough to add additional stress to it. When the time comes
            (usually in a year), the spirits of old people gradually begin to look younger till they
            look as they did in the best years of their youth. Prematurely dead children sharply
            "mature", as if "catching up" with their unlived life and come to look like the spirits
            they were before they entered the bodies of the poor children; the only difference is
            though, some of them "added" a bit in their development, if they were lucky enough
            during the short years they spent in their physical bodies. Much later, every spirit
            changes, depending on how it lives in the "new" world.
                  Unlike others, highly developed spirits that live at the mental level of Earth, can
            create their "look" and "clothes", because, on living for a very long time (the higher
            the development of the spirit, the more rarely it incarnates into a physical body) and
            getting accustomed enough in "another" world, unknown for them in the beginning,
            they can already create a lot of things.

                  I am still at a loss, why a little girl, Stella, chose exactly this grown up and deeply
            hurt  man  as  her  friend.  But  because  she  looked  absolutely  happy  with  such  an
            "acquisition", I had no choice but to trust fully in the little and playful enchantress’s
            faultless intuition.
                  As it appeared, his name was Harold. Last time he lived in a physical body was
            more than a thousand years ago and he obviously possessed a very highly developed
            spirit,  but  I  felt  with  my  heart  that  the  recollections  about  his  life  in  the  last
            embodiment were very painful, because exactly from there Harold brought this deep
            and mournful sorrow, which had accompanied him for so many years.
                  – There! He is very good, and you will be his friend too! – Stella pronounced
            happily, paying no attention to the fact that her new friend was here too and could
            perfectly hear us.

                  It obviously does not occur to her that to talk about him in his presence cannot
            be quite proper. She simply was very happy that at last she had a friend and shared
            this happiness with me openly and with great pleasure.
                  She was an unbelievably happy child! We call it "happy in nature". Neither
            before nor after did I meet anybody who would look like, even a little, this "sunny"
            and charming girl. It seemed that no trouble or misfortune could knock her out of her
            extraordinary "happy track". Not because she was unable to understand or feel human
            pain or misery; on the contrary, I was sure that she felt it much deeper than others.
            She  produced  the  impression  of  being  created  from  cells  of  joy  and  light  and
            protected by a strange and very "positive" protection which allowed neither grief nor
            distress to get to the depth of her little and very kind heart in order to destroy it by
            the  everyday avalanche of negative emotions and feelings injured by pain, so usual
            for all of us. Stella WAS HAPPINESS herself and generously, like the sun, gave it
            to all around.

                  – When I found him, he was so sad! Now he is much better. Right, Harold? –
            Addressing both of us simultaneously, Stella happily continued.

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