Page 145 - Revelation
P. 145
Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova. Revelation
Although it was difficult to surprise him with anything after years of our
frendship, it was quite obvious that the picture he saw then "outdid" the majority of my
most impressive "experiments" he had witnessed earlier. It was precisely Romas who
told me how intimidating this particular "presence" looked from the outside.
I tried to calm him down and explain somehow what was that "frightful" thing
that had just happened to me, but no matter how strongly I tried to calm him, I was
almost one hundred-per-cent sure that the poor thing would have the impression of
what he had seen imprinted in his brain for years.
After this funny (for me) "incident", I always tried to carry out my explorations
so that nobody would take me by surprise and be so shamelessly punch-drunk or
frightened... Therefore I very much needed my grandmother’s help. She always knew
when I went for a "walk" and watched that nobody disturbed me. There was another
reason why I did not like being "dragged" out of my "journeys" by force. When I had
to come back into my physical world briskly, I always felt a very strong internal strike
in the whole of my body at the moment of "rapid return" and it was very painful.
Therefore the sharp return of the spirit back into the physical body was a very
unpleasant experience for me and absolutely undesirable.
So, one day Stella and I went for a walk through the "floors", and on finding
nothing to do without "exposing us to a greater danger", we decided to investigate
"deeper" and more "seriously" the Mental "floor" which had already become almost
home for her...
Stella’s own colourful world disappeared and we "hung" in the shining air
powdered with star flashes. Unlike the ordinary "earthly" one, it was saturated and
"dense" and constantly changed, as if it was filled with millions of tiny snowflakes
which sparkled just like on a frosty sunny day on Earth... We readily stepped into the
silver-blue glimmering "emptiness" and a bright and merry "path" appeared under our
feet, which was made of glimmering, fluffy silver clouds, and it changed all the time.
It appeared and disappeared of its own volition, as if offering a friendly invitation
to walk on it. I stepped onto the shining "cloud" and took several careful steps... I felt
neither motion, nor the least effort to do it. There was only a feeling of a very easy
skidding in a quiet, enveloping and blazing silver emptiness... My footsteps
immediately melted, scattering into thousands of multicoloured shining specks of
dust... and new ones appeared, as I stepped on the captivating "local land" which totally
charmed me....
Suddenly a strange transparent Varingian-like boat emerged from this deep
silence. It shimmered with silvery sparks, and a very beautiful young lady was in it.
Her long golden hair now softly blew back, as if touched by the waft of a breeze, now
was still again, enigmatically sparkling with heavy golden speckles. It was clear that
the lady headed straight toward us; her fairy-tale boat effortlessly drifted on "waves"
which we did not see, leaving very long streaming tails which flashed with silver
sparks. Her white light dress looked like a glimmering tunic and like her hair it
was first blown about, then fluidly fell into soft folds making her look like an admirable
Greek goddess.
– She sails here all the time and looks for someone. – Stella whispered.
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