Page 36 - Revelation
P. 36

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            My  grandma  was  in  the  kitchen  at  that  moment,  and  I  feverishly  tried  to  find
            something to fix the thing in order not to blush again and explain myself, expecting
            to hear her words of complete disapproval. But the stubborn cup did not want to come
            back to the table. On the contrary, it suddenly glided and, as if teasing me, began to
            make wide circles over it, and I was unable to catch it.

                  My grandma came back into the room and froze on the threshold with her cup in
            her hand. Of course I rushed to explain that "it just flies, for no particular reason" and
            "isn’t it really beautiful"? In short, I tried to find a way out of this situation, in order
            not to appear helpless. And suddently I was very ashamed of myself. I saw that my
            grandma knew that I simply could not find the solution to the problem and was trying
            to "mask" my ignorance with unnecessary and pretty words. Then, being indignant
            with myself, I gathered all my "wounded" pride and quickly blurted:
                  – Well, I don't know why it flies! And I don't know how to let it down!

                  – Granny looked at me, her face serious and suddenly very joyfully said:
                  – Try then! This is what your mind is given to you for.
                  A load off my mind! I hated to seem clumsy, especially, when it came to my
            "strange" abilities. And I tried... from morning till evening, until I flopped out being
            absolutely exhausted.

                  A sage once said that there are three ways conducive to higher reason: the way
            of reflection is the noblest, imitation is the easiest and one’s own experience is the
            heaviest. For some reason I always chose the third way and my poor "neck" truly
            suffered because of my endless experiments.
                  But sometimes the game truly was "worth the candle" and my unremitting toil
            was crowned with success and at last it happened with moving things. Soon I could
            move any object; they flew, dropped and rose when I wished, and it already did not
            seem difficult to control that, except in one case, a huge omission of mine, which to
            my regret happened at school – the thing I always honestly tried to avoid. I did not
            need additional rumours about my "oddities", especially among my schoomates!

                  My being far too relaxed was the reason for the vexatious event, which was
            absolutely inexcusable in this situation, taking account of my "moving" abilities. But
            we all make big or small mistakes once and, as they say, learn by them. Although,
            frankly speaking, I would prefer to learn some other way...
                  The  teacher  Gibiene  was  my  form-mistress  then. She  was  a gentle  and  kind
            woman and all the schoolchildren sincerely adored her. Her son Remi was in our class.
            Unfortunately,  he  was  a  very  spoiled  and  unpleasant  boy.  He  always  despised
            everybody and mocked the girls and was  constantly tittle-tattling about his classmates
            to his mother. I was always surprised at the fact that, being such an open, clever and
            pleasant person, his mother could not or did not want to see the real face of her darling
            offspring. Maybe, it is true that love can sometimes be blind, and in this case it was
            truly blind.

                  That ill-starred day Remi came to school already being "wound up" and at once
            began to search for a scapegoat to vent all his accumulated malice on. Of course, I
            was "lucky" enough to appear exactly within striking distance at that moment, and

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