Page 37 - Revelation
P. 37

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            because we did not like each other very much from the very beginning, I became the
            ideal object for the wreaking of his discontent with God knows what.

                  I don't want to seem biased, but not a single class-mate, even the most fearful
            one, blamed me for what happened a few minutes later. And even those who did not
            like me much were very pleased to the bottom of their hearts that there was someone
            at last who braved the "thunderstorm" of an indignant mother and taught an arrogant
            bully a good lesson. Frankly speaking, the lesson turned out to be cruel enough, and
            if I had had the choice to repeat it, I probably would not have done such a thing again
            to him. But no matter how much I felt shame and pity, I have to admit that the lesson
            was very well learnt and the hapless "usurper" never again showed any inclination to
            terrorize the class.
                  On choosing his "victim", as he thought, Remi headed straight toward me and I
            understood that conflict, regrettably, could not be avoided. He began to bug me, as he
            always did and suddenly something in me broke out. Maybe it happened because I
            had been subconsciously waiting for it a long time? Or maybe I was sick and tired of
            bearing  his  insolent  behaviour  all  the  time,  without  any  comeback?  One  way  or
            another, the next second he got a strong blow in his chest, which threw him from his
            desk to the blackboard and, on flying in the air about three meters, plopped down on
            the floor like a squealing sack.

                  I never knew how I could perform this blow. The point is that I did not touch
            Remi at all  – it was a pure  energy blow, but I can not explain even now how I
            managed  to  do  it.  An  indescribable  havoc  spread  among  the  class  –  somebody
            squeaked in fright, somebody yelled that it was necessary to call the ambulance and
            somebody rushed to bring the teacher, because whatever he was, he was  her now
            "disabled"  son.  I  stood  in  a  frozen  stupor,  wondering  what  I  had  done  and  not
            understanding how it had happened.
                  Remi moaned on the floor, making himself out to be the almost dying victim,
            which really horrified me. I had no idea how strong the blow was and therefore could
            not know even approximately whether he was playing to take revenge on me or he
            truly felt that bad. Somebody called the ambulance, the teacher-mother came, and I
            still stood stiff as a poker, unable to talk, so strong was the emotional shock.
                  – Why have you done that? – The teacher asked.

                  I  looked  into  her  eyes  and  could  not  pronounce  a  word.  Not  because  I  was
            unaware of what to say, but because I still could not come back to myself from the
            terrible shock of what I had done.
                  I can not say what the teacher saw in my eyes, but the violent indignation which
            everyone  so  expected  did  not  follow,  more  precisely,  nothing  happened  at  all.
            Somehow she managed to control her indignation and calmly told us to sit down and
            began the lesson. Just like that! As if nothing happened, although it was her son who
            was a victim!

                  I could not understand it (nobody could), and I could not calm down because I
            felt very  guilty. It would have been far easier for me, if she had shouted at me or
            expelled me from the class. I perfectly understood that she must be very offended over
            what had happened and it was very unpleasant for her that it was exactly me who did

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