Page 61 - Revelation
P. 61

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  They all stared at me with surprise.

                  – And why are you alive, if you can hear us? – The girl inquired.
                  I  was  just  going  to  answer  when  suddenly  a  young  dark-haired  woman
            unexpectedly appeared and swiftly disappeared, without saying a word.

                  – Mummy, here you are!!! – Kate cried happily. – I told you she would come,
                    didn’t I?
                  I understood that the woman's life "hung by a thread" now and her spirit was
            knocked out of her physical body for a few moments.
                  – Well, where is she?! – Kate looked disappointed. – She was just here!

                  The storm of strong emotions exhausted the girl and her face became very pale,
            helpless and sorrowful. She grabbed her brother's hand very tightly as though seeking
            support and whispered:
                  – Nobody around sees us. What does it all mean, daddy?

                  Suddenly she looked like a little, sad and confused old lady, who looked at the
            so familiar world with her pure eyes and could not understand – where she was to go
            now, where was her mother and her home?.. She turned both to her sad brother and to
            her father, who stood apart, lonely and seemingly indifferent to everything; but neither
            of them could answer her simple child's question and suddenly the poor girl became
            really terrified.
                  – Will you stay with us for a little while? – She asked plaintively looking at me
            with her large pleading eyes.
                  – Of course, I will, if that is what you want. – I assured her immediately.

                  I wanted so much to hug her firmly in order to warm her scared little heart.
                  – Who are you, girl? – The father unexpectedly asked.

                  – I  am  just  a  person,  only  slightly  "different"  –  I  answered  being  a  bit
            embarrassed. – I can hear and see those who "have gone" ... like you now.
                  – We have died, have we? – He asked more calmly.
                  – Yes, you have. – I answered honestly.

                  – So, what will happen to us now?
                  – You will live, only in another world. And it is not so bad, believe me! You just
            need to get accustomed to it and accept the idea that you will like it.
                  – Do people really live after death? – The father asked, still unbelieving.

                  – They do, but not here. – I answered. – You will feel everything the same way
            as before, but in another world, not your usual one. Your wife is still there, as am I,
            but you have already crossed the "border" and now you are on the other side. – I said
            trying to find the proper words so he could understand what had happened to them.
                  – So, will she come to us some day too? – The girl suddenly asked.

                  – Yes, she will, one day. – I answered.
                  – Well, I will wait for her then. – The girl declared confidently with satisfaction
                    in her voice.
            – And we'll be all together again, right daddy? You want Mummy to be with us again,

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