Page 63 - Revelation
P. 63

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  – Daddy,  Mummy,  where  shall  we  go  now?  –  The  girl  asked  cheerfully.  It
            seemed that now, when they all were together, she was completely happy again and
            ready to lead her life here, in an unknown, for her, level of existence.

                  – Oh, Mummy, look. My hand went through the bench!!! How can I sit down
            then? – The girl exclaimed with surprise.
                  Before the mother had time to answer, the air right above them sparkled with all
            the colours  of the rainbow and began to thicken, transforming into a blue channel of
            amazing beauty which looked very  like  the  one  I had  seen  during  my  unfortunate
            "bathing" in the river. The channel sparkled and shimmered with thousands of stars
            and wrapped the dumbfounded family within the thickening cloud.

                  –  I don't know who you are, girl, but you know something about that. – The
            mother unexpectedly asked me. – Please, tell me. Should we go there?
                  – Yes, you should. I am afraid so. – I answered as calmly as possible. – This is
            your new world where you will live. It is very beautiful. You will like it there.
                  I was a trifle sad that they had to leave so soon, but I understood that it was for
            the better: they should avoid regrets about the world they just lost, because they would
            quickly accept their new world and new life...

                  – Look, Mummy, it is beautiful!!! Almost like Christmas! Vidas, Vidas. Isn't it
                    so lovely?!
            The little thing was absolutely delighted. – What are you waiting for? Let's go!
                  The mother sadly smiled at me and tenderly said:

                  – Farewell girl, whoever you are, I wish you happiness in this world.
                  Embracing  her  little  children,  she  turned  to  the  sparkling  channel.  They  all,
            except for little Kate, were very sad and looked extremely worried. They had to leave
            everything they were accustomed to and knew so well and "go" who knows where.
            Unfortunately, they had no choice. Suddenly a luminous female figure condensed
            itself  in  the  middle  of  the  sparkling  channel  and  slowly  began  to  approach  the
            dumbfounded bunched up family.
                  – Alice? – The mother said, squinting at the new guest.

                  The spirit smiled and stretched her hands toward the woman as if inviting her
                  – Alice, is it really you?!

                  – Well, we finally meet again, my dear. – The shining creature pronounced. –
            Are you all here? Oh, what a pity! It's too early for them... What a pity...
                  – Mummy,  who  is  she?  –  The  little  child  whispered  in  astonishment.  –  How
                    beautiful she is!
            Who is she, Mummy?
                  – She is your aunt, dear. – The mother answered affectionately.

                  – That beautiful lady is my aunt? This is great – a new aunt!!! And who is she?
            – The curious girl could not quiet down.
                  – She is my sister, Alice. You have never seen her. She went away to "another"
            world before you were born.

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