Page 65 - Revelation
P. 65

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            more careful and tried to help without opening all the "sluices" of my boiling emotions
            and tried to remain as calm as possible; and to my greatest surprise, I noticed very
            soon that I could help more efficiently without getting tired and spent noticeably less

                  It  would seem  that my  heart  should  have  been  "locked"  very  quickly, being
            submerged in a "waterfall" of human sadness and grief, but apparently, the joy for
            those who had found the so long needed peace, when I succeeded in helping them,
            greatly exceeded any sadness, and I wanted to do it endlessly, as much as my forces,
            unfortunately still those of a child, allowed. So, I continued to talk to each one, to
            search  for  somebody  somewhere,  to  prove  something  to  somebody,  to  convince
            somebody of something and, when I could, even to console somebody...
                  All "cases" were very alike; all of them had one and the same aim – the wish to
            "correct"  that  which  one  did  not  have  time  to  live  through  or  to  do  right  in  the
            "passed" life. But sometimes there were really outstanding cases which were fast
            imprinted in my memory, making me come back to them over and over...

                  When they appeared I was sitting quietly at the window and drawing roses for
            my school homework. Suddenly I heard very clearly a thin but very persistent child's
            voice which for some reason spoke in a whisper:
                  – Mummy, please! We’re only going to try… I promise you... Let’s try?
                  The air in the middle of the room became thick and two spirits, which looked
            very like each other, appeared. As it turned out later, it was a mother and her little
            daughter. I was silently waiting, watching them in surprise, because previously spirits
            had come to me exclusively one at a time. Therefore, in the beginning I thought that
            one of them probably had to be like me, that being, alive; but I could not define which
            one, because according to my perception neither of these two was living…

                  The woman was still silent, and the girl obviously unable to wait any longer,
            lightly touched her and quietly whispered:
                  – Mummy!

                  There was no reaction whatsoever. The mother seemed absolutely indifferent to
            anything, and only the child's thin voice was able to sometimes snatch her out of this
            terrible numbness for a short while and lit a little spark in her green eyes which had
            seemed to be extinguished forever...
                  The girl, on the contrary, was merry and very lively. It seemed that she was quite
            happy in the world where she dwelt presently.
                  I could not understand what was wrong here and tried to be as calm as possible
            in order not to frighten off my strange guests.

                  – Mummy! Come on! Talk!!! – Obviously the girl lost patience again.
                  She was five or six by appearance, but it was she who was in the lead in this
            strange  company. The woman kept silence all the time.

                  I decided to try to "melt the ice" and asked as softly as possible:
                  – Tell me, may I help you in something?
                  The woman sadly looked at me and at last said:

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