Page 64 - Revelation
P. 64

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  – Well, it was long ago then. – Little Kate confidently established an "undeniable

                  The luminous "aunt" sadly smiled watching her cheerful little niece who saw
            nothing bad in this new situation. The girl merrily hopped on one leg, testing her
            unusual "new body" and feeling absolutely satisfied with the latter stared inquiringly
            at the grown-ups, full of expectation, that at last they are going to go into the unusual
            luminous "new world." She seemed to be quite happy again, because the whole family
            was there which meant that everything was perfect and all right  and there was no
            need to worry about anything anymore. Her tiny child’s world was again protected by
            the people she loved and she did not have to think about what had happened to them
            anymore and she just waited for what would happen next.
                  Alice looked at me very attentively and softly said:

                  – It is too early for you, girl. A very long road awaits you.
                  The luminous blue channel still sparkled and shone, but it seemed to me that the
            luminescence was becoming weaker. As if confirming my thought, the "aunt" said:
                  – It is time, my dearest. You do not need this world any more.

                  She  embraced  them  all  (which  surprised  me  a  little,  because  she  suddenly
            became bigger) and the luminous channel disappeared together with the sweet girl
            Kate and her wonderful family... I felt empty and sad as if I again had lost someone
            dear,  as  happened  almost  always  after  a  new  meeting  with  a  person  who  was
                  – Are you all right, girl? – I heard an alarmed voice. Somebody was shaking me,
            trying  to  "return"  me  to  the  "normal"  state,  because  it  seemed  that  I  had  again
            "entered" into another world, distant for others, too deeply and scared a good man
            with my "abnormally-frozen" calmness.

                  The evening was still wonderful and warm and everything around was the same
            as it was an hour ago... but I did not want to stroll anymore.
                  Some fragile, good lives had just been torn off so easily and flown away to
            another world like white clouds. I was sad, as if they had taken a little piece of my
            lonely heart with them. I wanted to believe that the lovely girl Kate would be happy
            while expecting to return "home." I was sincerely sorry for those who did not have
            such "aunts" to calm their fear, and who rushed about in horror departing for another,
            unknown  and  frightening  world,  having  no  idea  what  waited  for  them  and  not
            believing that their own real LIFE was still going on...

                       An angel

                  Days glided by unnoticed. Weeks passed. Gradually I began to get used to my
            unusual everyday visitors. In fact all events, even the oddest ones, which at the very
            beginning we consider almost a miracle, become ordinary, if they recur regularly. Just
            as happened with my wonderful "guests" who greatly amazed me in the beginning
            and then became almost an ordinary phenomenon to which I honestly gave part of my
            heart and was ready to give much more to help anybody, but it is impossible to absorb
            endless human pain without it asphyxiating and destroying you. Therefore I became

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