Page 66 - Revelation
P. 66

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  – Can somebody really help me? I killed my daughter!

                  On hearing such a confession, I felt chills run up and down my spine, but it did
            not perplex the girl at all and she calmly pronounced:
                  – It’s not true, Mummy.

                  – So, what happened in reality? – I carefully asked.
                  – A terribly huge truck ran over us; my mum was driving. She thinks it was her
            fault that she could not save me. – The girl explained patiently with the tone of a little
            professor. – And now my mum does not want to live even here and I cannot convince
            her how much I need her.
                  – Tell me, what do you want me to do? – I asked her.

                  – Would you, please, ask my dad to stop blaming mum for all that? – All of a
            sudden the girl asked very sadly. – I am very happy here with her, but after each time
            we go to see dad, she becomes the way she is now for a long time.
                  I understood that the father had probably loved this child very much and, on
            having nowhere he could unburden himself of his pain, he accused her mother of
            everything that had happened.

                  – Do you also want it? – I gently asked the woman.
                  The only thing she did was a sad nod and then she again firmly locked herself in
            her mournful world, letting nobody in there, including her little daughter, so anxious
            for her mum.
                  – Dad is good. He just does not know that we still live. – The girl said faintly. –
            Please, tell him…

                  Probably, there is nothing more awful in the world than to feel such guilt as the
            mother did... Her name was Christina. When she was alive, she was a cheerful and
            very happy woman who was just twenty six at the moment of her death. Her husband
            adored her…
                  Her little daughter’s name was Vesta, and she was the first-born in a happy
            family adored by all, and the father simply worshipped her. His name was Arthur, and
            he also was merry and cheerful just like his wife, before her death. And now nobody
            and nothing could help him to find any peace in his soul tormented by ruthless pain.
            And he gradually allowed hatred toward his most beloved human being, his wife,
            to grow within him, thus trying to protect his heart from total destruction.

                  – If you go to visit my dad, please, don’t be frightened… He sometimes can be
            strange, but it happens only when he is not "real". – The girl whispered. I felt how
            very unpleasant it was for her to talk about it.
                  I did not want to ask and thus distress her even more and decided that I would
            find out for myself. I asked Vesta who of them would wish to show me where they
            had lived before their death, and whether her father still lived there. The place which
            they indicated disappointed me a little, because it was quite far from my house and
            time was needed to get there. Therefore I could not think up anything right now and
            asked my new acquaintances whether they would be able to appear again in a few
            days? On getting the affirmative reply, I firmly promised them that I would meet their
            husband and father.

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