Page 69 - Revelation
P. 69

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  – Please,  I  beg  you,  don’t  worry...  I  have  a  message  for  you…  from  your
            daughter. She is here with me, if you want to talk to her…

                  I was afraid to imagine what reaction my words could cause in the blind drunk
            man. As it appeared, I truly was right to be fearful.
                  He roared like an injured beast, and I was afraid that all the neighbours would
            come running and I would have to go away, achieving nothing.

                  – Don’t you dare!!!! – The father, infuriated by my words, raged. – Where did
            such a thing like you come from? Get out!!!
                  I did not know what to say to him, how to explain and whether it was really worth
            doing?  He  understood  almost  nothing  at  that  moment.  But  the  thin  voice  again
                  – Don’t be afraid, please. Tell him that I am here. I often saw him in this state.

                  – I beg your pardon, Arthur. This is your name, isn’t it? No matter whether you
            want to believe it or not, your daughter is here with me. It is true! And now she sees
            everything that you do and hears what you say.
                  For a fraction of a second he stared at me with almost intelligent gaze and I
            already rejoiced that everything would be all right, as suddenly strong hands raised
            me from earth and put me on the other side of the threshold, quickly slamming the ill-
            fated door right in front of my very nose.

                  To my shame, I was absolutely taken aback. Certainly, many different things had
            happened over the time that I communicated with the dead. Some people were angry
            only because an unknown girl suddenly dared to shatter their peace. Some did not
            want to belive in the reality of what I tried to tell them. Some did not want to talk at
            all, because I was a stranger to them. Yes, a lot of things happened... But nobody ever
            chucked me out of the house. Again, like it sometimes happened to me, I felt myself
            to be a little and helpless girl who wanted very much that a clever grown up would
            give me some good advice which would solve all the problems at once and everything
            would fall into place.
                  Unfortunately, there was no "grown up" next to me and I had to get out of this
            scrape by myself. So, taking a deep breath and closing my eyes tight, I pulled my
            "trembling" emotions together and pushed the doorbell again …
                  Danger is not frightful when you know how it looks. Therefore I said to myself
            that I just had to deal with a drunk, embittered with pain, person who I would not be
            afraid of anymore.

                  This time the door opened much quicker. Arthur’s drunken face expressed utter
                  – You? Again! – He could not believe it.

                  I was very afraid that he would slam the door again and then I would have no
            chance to do anything...
                  – Daddy, daddy, please! Don’t offend her! She will go away and then nobody
            will help us!!! – The girl whispered, on the verge of weeping. – It’s me, your fox-cub!
            Do you remember how you promised me to take me to the magic mountain? Do you?
            – She "glued" her round pleading eyes on me, desperately asking me to repeat her

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