Page 82 - Revelation
P. 82

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            mumbled, being offended:

                  – How do you know where we are going?
                  – It’s written all over your face. – Gran was smiling.

                  Of course, nothing was written on my face, but I would give anything to know
            how she always knew everything so confidently when the matter concerned me.
                  In  a  couple  of  minutes  we  were  strolling  toward  the  forest,  enthusiastically
            chatting about different and unbelievable stories, of which she, naturally, knew much
            more than me and this was one of the reasons why I liked to go for a walk with her so
                  There were only two of us and therefore, there was no need to fear that someone
            would be eavesdropping on us and not like what we were talking about.

                  My  grandmother  easily  accepted  all  my  oddities  and  was  never  afraid  of
            anything; and sometimes, if she saw that I totally "got lost" in something, she gave
            me advice, helping me to get out of that or another unpleasant situation; but most of
            all  she  simply  observed  how  I  would  react  to  complications,  which  had  become
            permanent on my "thorny" life-path. Lately it seemed to me that my grandmother
            waited impatiently for something new to happen in order to see whether I had grown
            up even a little bit, or still "stewed" in my "happy childhood", unwilling to get out of
            my child's short shirt. But I loved her very much even for such "cruel" behaviour and
            tried to use every single opportunity to spend time with her as often as possible.
                  The forest met us with friendly rustle of gold autumn foliage. The weather was
            absolutely gorgeous, and I hoped that I would find my new friends there too.

                  I  picked  a  small  bouquet  of  still  remaining  modest  autumn  flowers,  several
            minutes more and we came to the cemetery and I saw the same fragile sweet old lady
            sitting at the same place, the cemetery gates...
                  – Oh, I thought I could not wait until you came! – She joyfully greeted us.
                  Extremely surprised, I looked at her with my mouth wide open and most likely I
            looked foolish enough, because the old lady broke into merry laughter, came to us and
            tenderly patted my cheek.

                  – Go dear, Stella is probably getting tired of waiting for you. And we’ll be sitting
            here for a while...
                  I did not have time to ask how I would get to Stella, as everything disappeared
            and I found myself in the already familiar, shining with all colours of the rainbow,
            world of Stella’s luxuriant fantasy and before I had time to see how the land lies I
            heard the enthusiastic voice:

                  – Ah, how swell that you came! I waited and waited for you!
                  The girl flew up to me like a whirlwind and dumped a... little red "dragon" right
            in my hands. I jumped back in surprise, but then broke into laughter, because it was
            the most charming and funny creature in the world.
                  The  "dragon",  if  I  may  call  it  that,  puffed  up  his  tender  pink  belly  and
            threateningly began to hiss at me, obviously hoping to frighten me. But when he saw
            that nobody was going to be frightened here, calmly settled down on my knees and
            began to snuffle peacefully, showing what a "good boy" he was and how strongly he

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