Page 83 - Revelation
P. 83

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            should be loved.

                  I asked Stella what his name was and how long ago she had created him.
                  – Dear me! I have not thought of what to call him yet! He appeared right now!
            You like him, don’t you? – The girl twittered merrily and I felt that she was glad to
            see me again.

                  – He is yours! – She suddenly said. – He will live with you.
                  The dragon funnily pushed out his thorny little mug, hoping to find out whether
            I  had  something  interesting  for  him...  And  unexpectedly  licked  my  nose!  Stella
            squealed in delight and was obviously extremely pleased with her work.
                  – All right, – I agreed, – he can be with me while I am here.

                  – Don’t you want to take him with you? – Stella was surprised.
                  And I understood here that probably she did not know that we are "different",
            and live in different worlds. Most likely, the grandmother did not tell the whole truth
            to the little girl, feeling sorry for her, and she sincerely thought that it was exactly the
            same world where she had lived before with only one difference – she could create
            her world.

                  I was absolutely sure that I did not want to be the person who would tell this
            small trustful girl what her today's life truly was. She was happy in her imaginary
            reality and I swore in my heart that I would never be the one to destroy her fairy-tale
            world. I could not understand one thing – the way the grandmother explained the
            sudden disappearance of her family and the whole world where she had lived to her.
                  – You see, – I began with a small hitch, smiling, – dragons are not very popular
            where I live....
                  – But nobody will see him! – The girl twittered merrily.

                  A load off my mind! I hated lying or slipping out of direct answers, especially
            before  such  a  pure  little  human  being  like  Stella.  It  appeared  that  she  perfectly
            understood everything and succeeded somehow in combining the joy of creation and
            the sadness of her loss.
                  – I have found a friend here at last! – The little one declared victoriously.

                  – Really? – I was surprised. – Will you introduce me to him some day? She
            amusingly nodded with her fluffy red head and squinted slyly.
                  – Do you want to do it right now? – I felt that she was "fidgety" and unable to
            restrain her impatience.

                  – Are you sure that he would want to come? – I asked cautiously.
                  Not because I was afraid of somebody or felt shy, simply I was not in the habit
            of disturbing people having no special or important cause. I was not sure that right
            now this was really such a cause, but Stella was obviously absolutely sure, because in
            a fraction of a second a man appeared next to us.

                  It was a very sad knight. Oh, yes, it was exactly a knight! The fact that, even in
            this "other" world where he could "put on" any energy "clothes" he still did not give
            up his severe knight's  look, in which he probably remembered himself very well,
            surprised me very much... I thought that he must have very serious reasons for being

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