Page 100 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 100

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

                  The earlier a child reaches the stage of man, the more qualitative a foundation is
            created for the possible reaching of the stage of highly developed man. Moreover, if a
            child reaches the stage of a reasoning man before the juvenile hormonal explosion,
            the danger of evolutional congelation at the stage of the reasoning animal disap-
            pears. The development in the period of pubescence when powerful sexual hormones
            are raging in the organism slows down dramatically and the sexual activity makes it
            almost impossible. Sexual instincts begin to control the conduct of an individual and
            do not allow passing of the evolutional stage of reasoning animal. There are two prin-
            cipal reasons for this:

                  1. The “evolutional door” which is opened for going through the stage of the
            reasoning animal is closed by the age of 16-18.

                  2. The potential produced by the human organism is limited. Therefore, spend-
            ing the potential on sexual activity does not leave enough energy for the right de-
            velopment of the brain in particular and the whole organism in general.

                  This is very important for our understanding of the principles of operation of
            Dark (parasitic) Forces on any Planet-Earth, including our Midgard-earth. Their “vis-
            iting-card” is a destruction of the educational system and propaganda of sexual
            freedom and  permissiveness  amongst the  young  generation. This is done not be-
            cause of their anxiety about the “freedom of personality” of young people, as they
            try to represent it, but to halt the evolutional development of young people at the
            stage of reasoning animal which facilitates their control and manipulation over the
            masses to achieve their own interests, because only at this stage of development can
            they convert people into bio-robots and control them in almost the same way as it
            happens in the world of termites, ants, bees, etc.

                  I will remind readers that Dark Forces penetrated Midgard-earth through their
            mediators who unleashed the war for world domination, as a result of which, 13 thou-
            sand years ago the small Moon, Fatta, was destroyed; its fragments fell on Earth and
            made Atlantis and other areas of dry land sink to the sea-bottom and the last ice-age
            began. After this, Midgard-earth was isolated from the planets which were members
            of  the  Light  Forces  union  of  civilizations,  to  prevent  the  Dark  Forces  penetrating
            them  through  the  Star  Gates.  Although  the  greater  part  of  the  conductors  of  Dark
            Forces died when Atlantis-Antlan was destroyed, some of them were saved and be-
            gan  a  gradual  capture  of  Midgard-earth,  using  different  methods  to  achieve  world
            domination. Dark Forces began to create bio-robots out of people, which is one of the
            most effective methods of enslavement of people and nations and not only on our

                  The first two evolutional stages of development of man are passive ones on the
            side of the developing person. The growing child and later the teenager, to a greater
            degree, remind one of a “sponge” which absorbs information, first in the family and
            then all accessible information accumulated by the human society for the whole time
            of its existence.
                  The type of information, which a developing individual will absorb, its quality
            and variety     influences very much whether the development of a certain individual

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