Page 103 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 103

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            development” to represent the concept of enlightenment of consciousness and under-
            line the difference of this concept from the purely biological one—the word “devel-
            opment” has exactly this meaning in the modern Russian language.

                  Just remember the generally accepted concept of physical development which, in
            its essence, is an absurdity, because the state of the human physical body, its muscles
            and endurance has nothing to do with the enlightenment of his consciousness! By the
            way, the Russian word “reason” (razum) is of similar nature. Reason is an enlight-
            ened  intellect. Thus, our ancestors distinguished the concepts of a clever man and
            reasoning man, intellect and reason. Anyone could be called clever who is able to
            think, take decisions and analyze well and quickly. A man could be called reasoning
            when he has his mind enlightened! So, mind and enlightened mind are two different
            things which describe people who have different levels of development!

                  So,  we  have  clarified  a  little  the  true  meaning  of  some  Russian  and  foreign
            words and their distortion and now will go back to the analysis of the stages of devel-
            opment of the social organism through understanding the development of an individ-
            ual as its formative element. The “ceiling” of a person’s evolutional development is
            determined by his genetic potential, his spirit’s level of development, the degree
            and variety of his brain development, his will and diligence. Also his capacity for
            analytical thinking and the absence of indolence in the latter are of enormous value.
            If a person does not have any problems with the abovementioned qualities during his
            evolutional development, his movement along the way of evolution will be endless,
            just as there will be no limits to what such a man is able to fulfill. Thus, theoretically,
            man can become, figuratively speaking, god-like, i.e. he can reach the level of abili-
            ties attributed to gods, who in reality are evolutionally highly developed creatures
            which can be both humanoids and representatives of other forms of reasoning life.
            The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas tell about this:

                  In those distant and ancient times,
                  When many ancestors of our ancestors
                  Fraternized with all Celestial Gods
                  And rendered habitable new Earths in Svarga…          100

                  Thus, if we talk about the development of a certain individual, almost everything
            depends mainly on him and, to some extent, on the amount and quality of information
            he absorbs. During the last Night of Svarog very few have succeeded in reaching en-
            lightenment by knowledge. One of the principal reasons for this state of affairs is a
            highly  unfavorable  superposition  of  streams  of  primary  matters  which  pierced
            Midgard-earth. The superposition of these streams favoured maximally the excessive
            development of the incomplete third body that corresponds to the evolutional stage
            of  reasoning  animal.  This  deregulation  of  the  streams  of  primary  matters  which
            pierced Midgard-earth appeared a long time ago, but reached its maximum exactly

                  100  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. The Fourth Book. The Source of Life, The First Message, p. 13.

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