Page 102 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 102

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            all those who battled on the side of Light Forces were razboiniki. This did not apply
            to a battle with weapons as in the modern meaning of this word, but to Light Hier-
            archs — people who went out on the level of creation and could control space and
            time!  These words acquired  the  modern meaning during the  Last Night  of Svarog
            when Christianity was imposed on Russian people and, especially, after the revolu-
            tion of 1917. If, taking into account the above said, someone starts to treat truly Rus-
            sian words differently, then a completely different world opens up before him and the
            Russian language becomes alive and clear for any genetically Russian person.

                  Let  us  now  come  back  to  the  analysis  of  the  word  “development”  (razvitie).
            Thus, this word in its true meaning is applied to a person who goes forward on his
            spiritual journey. The word “evolution” came to Russian from English. It means the
            movement from simple forms of living organisms to more complex ones and reflects
            purely biological processes which happen in nature (the horizontal motion) and which
            are based on natural inter-specific  and intra-specific selection. Therefore, the word
            “evolution” is not right for phenomena related to the enlightenment of human con-
            sciousness (the vertical motion of a reasoning creature).

                  Regrettably the foreign word almost fully forced out the Russian word which re-
            flects exactly the essence of the enlightenment of human consciousness. Therefore, in
            the modern variant of Russian, we have to use generally accepted concepts, for ex-
            ample, the concept of evolutional development in which the foreign word “evolution”
            is used in the meaning of the Russian word “development”, and the Russian word
            “development” is placed after the word “evolution”. Thus, the concept of evolutional
            development is absurdity, because there are two words united in it which in the es-
            sence mean one and the same thing. But with all this going on, the foreign word alien
            and incomprehensible to Russians at the level of the genetic memory becomes deter-
            mining and  meaningful, but  the word understandable for them at the genetic  level
            plays an auxiliary role. This is one of the methods which the enemies of the Russian
            people used to convert a living and understandable, to any Russian person, language
            into a set of dead concepts which do not resonate with him at the level of genetics.
            All of this does not allow a Russian man to unfold himself fully, using his native lan-
            guage as one of the instruments. The true Russian language is a magic wand which
            our ancestors left to us so that the living language of our Great Ancestors could help
            us, Ruses, their descendants, to wake up at the right time after the millennial dopey
            sleep!  The  living Russian  language is the key which will help genetically Russian
            people to wake up their genetic memory!

                  The war against Russian people has been waged almost at all levels, including
            the language which we speak. Destroying the living Russian language, which reso-
            nates with Russians at the level of genetics, Dark Forces try to break and enslave the
            Russian people. This is another weapon against the Russian people which Dark Forc-
            es use so actively. To prove this it is enough to see the nationality of all those who
            began to teach Russians to speak and write correct Russian after the revolution of
            1917! However, the majority of genetically Russian people are unaware and do not
            understand this, one has to use generally accepted terms without which it is impossi-
            ble to do. That is why it is necessary to use the combination of words “evolutional

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