Page 104 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 104

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            during  the  last  Night  of  Svarog.  The  Slavonic-Aryan  Vedas  calls  this  time  Dark
            Times. Light Gods appeared before people and clans exactly in these, the most dan-
            gerous periods:

                  Light Gods came down to Midgard
                  From different Palaces of the Circle of Svarog
                  And every God gave instructions for people
                  To live a just life in the Dark Times…
                  When this sleeve again comes back to Light
                  The Gods will return from Svarga to their descendants…
                   “When this sleeve again comes back to Light”. Our ancestors called the branch
            of our spiral galaxy in which our Sun is located “a sleeve”. Our galaxy, just like any
            other, is revolving on its axis and moves in space. As it follows from the phrase, one
            and the same branch of our galaxy periodically gets into different qualitative combi-
            nations of streams of primary matters which flow in our Universe. When the sleeve
            exits the negative area of space in the Universe, it gets into the area of space with
            positive qualities for evolving. There are billions of stars in this sleeve-branch of the
            galaxy, which means that, unfortunately, not only our Midgard-earth but also billions
            of other Earth-planets and their civilizations appeared in such a situation which did
            not favour their evolutional development.

                  1.16. The Dark Forces’ special interest in Midgard-earth. The Source of Life

                  If we analyze all mentioned above, some appropriate questions could emerge:
            why  did  Dark  Forces  show  such  a  keen  interest  in  Midgard-earth?  Why  did  they
            strain themselves so badly and sacrifice a lot (and still do this) to get control over our
            planet? Would not it be simpler for them just to destroy the planet and its civiliza-
            tion? In fact, they had destroyed many other Earth-planets both in our galaxy and in
            others. In the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas Perun describes the nuclear bombardments of
            other planets with highly developed civilizations on them during the last great Star
            War between Light and Dark Forces about forty thousand earthly years ago. Let us
            see:  what  were  the  reasons  which  allowed  our  Midgard-earth  to  occupy  a  special
            place between other Planets-Earth and made the Dark Forces so interested? We can
            find the answer to these questions in the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas:

                  The measuring way has connected Ingard and Midgard,
                  The worlds of Golden Suns located in one sleeve.
                  To go along this way one has to visit
                  Many Earths, which are near Bright Stars.
                  Midgard called the Soul by the dance of dreams,
                  Because it gathered the wisdom of many Stars.
                  This was kept by those who had rendered that World habitable.

                  101  The Slavonic-Aryan Vedas. The Fourth Book. The Source of Life, The First Message, p. 17.

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