Page 101 - Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors, Vol. 1
P. 101

Nicolai Levashov. Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors. Vol. 1

            will stop at the stage of reasoning man or proceed to the stage of highly developed
            man.  These  are  active  stages  of  development  which  are  realized  through  action.
            When a person acts, he makes the knowledge he has acquired run through him and,
            using the  true knowledge correctly, he achieves  comprehension, when knowledge
            turns into a living stream which completely fills the acting person, converting him
            from  a  user  into  a  creator.  Thus,  a  developing  man  reaches  enlightenment  by
            knowledge and from this moment he starts developing into a highly developed man.
            At this evolutional stage there is no limit to development.

                  Before I continue, I would like to draw your attention to the word development
            (in Russian razvitie). It would seem that this is just an ordinary word, but if a genet-
            ically Russian person closely examines it, this word will open its true meaning. The
            word development (ra-z-vit-ie) is formed of two words: “RA” and “VIToc” (a coil).
            Thus, it means the COIL of RA. The letter “Z” serves as a connection between two
            roots “RA” and “COIL”. The root “RA” carries the meaning of brightening or en-
            lightening; the root “COIL” means the transition to a higher level of understanding
            and enlightenment. Because the semantic value of the word “RA” is more meaningful
            than that of the word “COIL”, it occupies the first place. Our ancestors always under-
            lined it, placing the word “RA” before any other word, when uniting several words in
            one. In other words, there was a hierarchy of words in Russian language in accord-
            ance  with  their  sense  and  value.  Let  us  analyze  other  Russian  words  which  are
            formed this way to make sure  of the  truth in this, for  example, the  words  to  turn
            round.  This  word  also  has  two  roots:  RA-z-VERNUT,  or  if  we  divide  it  into  two
            words, we will get: “RA” “VERNUT” (RETURN) or to RETURN RA! This word is
            in reference to man and meant “returning the enlightenment by knowledge.”

                  The returning of the state of enlightenment by knowledge is referring to those
            people  who  have  achieved  the  state  of  a  creator.  An  individual  unfolds  himself,
            when during his life he goes through the stages of animal, reasoning animal, reason-
            ing man and finally comes to mastering the state of the highly developed man. This
            took place when a highly developed spirit was incarnated in the physical body and
            had to go through all stages of development from the stage of the animal to the level
            which this spirit had before his incarnation. In this case the spirit, being in his new
            body, returned to the level of enlightenment by knowledge which he had before the
            incarnation. This means that far from everybody succeeded in returning RA to him-
            self. Now this word has quite another meaning: to turn round means to compel some-
            one or something to move in the reverse direction, to come back. In other words, the
            meaning of this word was changed into the opposite one, and not only this Russian

                  Let us take another word: robbery (ra-z-boi) and its derivative a robber (ra-z-
            boi-nik). Everyone knows the modern meaning of this word, but it did not always
            mean this. There were times when the words “robbery” and “robber” were honoured
            and carried a positive meaning for any Russian man, no matter how wild that may
            sound  for  modern  Russian  people,  it  was  just  like  this!  The  word  RA-z-BOI  (the
            FIGHT for RA) meant people who were  FIGHTING for RA!  In other words, this
            word meant “the battle on the side of Light Forces against the Dark”! Accordingly,

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