Page 146 - Revelation
P. 146

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  – Do you know her? Who does she look for? – I did not understand.

                  – I don’t know, but I saw her often.
                  –      Well, let’s ask her – I bravely offered, having come to feel at home on the

            "floors". The lady sailed closer. She emitted sadness, grandeur and warmth.
                  –  I am Atenais. – She pronounced mentally and very softly. – Who are you,
            divine creatures?

                  The "divine creatures" became slightly confused, not knowing how they should
            respond to such a greeting...
                  – We simply went for a walk. – Smiling, Stella said. – We won’t bother you.
                  – Who do you look for? – Atenais asked.

                  – Nobody. – Stella was surprised. – Why do you think we must look for somebody?
                  – It should not be otherwise. You are now where everybody looks for themselves.
                    I did too...
            – She smiled sadly. – But it was such a long time ago!

                  – How long? – I could not restrain myself.
                  – Oh,  very  long!  In  fact  there  is  no  time  here,  how  can  I  know  then?  All  I
            remember is it was a long time ago.
                  Atenais was very beautiful and somewhat extraordinarily sad. She looked like a
            proud white swan, when he sings his last song falling from the sky and giving his soul
            – she was the same way majestic and tragic...

                  When  she  looked  at  us  with  her sparkling green  eyes, she  seemed  older  than
            eternity. There was so much wisdom and unspoken sorrow in them that I felt tingles
            down my spine...
                  – Can we help you in something? – I asked, feeling a bit shy to ask her such a

                  – No, dear child, it’s my work... My quest... But I believe it’ll be over some day.
                    and I could go away. Now, tell me, joyful ones, where would you like to go?
                  I shrugged my shoulders:
                  – We did not choose. We simply went for a walk. But we’ll be happy, if you could
            offer us something.

                  Atenais nodded:
                  – I guard this Mid-world and can allow you there. – And added, affectionately
            looking at Stella. – And you, child, I shall help to find yourself...

                  The lady softly smiled and waved with her hand. Her unusual dress swayed and
            her hand looked like a white-silver, soft and fluffy wing... then another, blindingly gold
            and almost dense road stretched out, scattering golden specks of light. It was light and
            sunny and ran straight to an open golden door which "blazed" in the distance...
                  – Well, shall we go? – I asked Stella, knowing her answer beforehand.

                  – Wow, look, somebody is there... – The girl pointed to the door with her finger.
                  We easily slipped inside and… saw a second Stella, like in a mirror! Yes, yes, it
            was exactly Stella! Exactly like the one which stood next to me, being quite confused...

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