Page 147 - Revelation
P. 147

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  – But, that’s me?! – The slightly punch-drunk girl whispered, staring hard at her
                    "other self".
            – It’s me, really... How can that be?

                  I could not answer her seemingly simple question, because I was taken aback too,
            finding no explanation for this "absurd" phenomenon...
                  Stella cautiously stretched her hand to her twin and touched her "other" little
            fingers extended to her. I wanted to shout that it could be dangerous, but, on seeing her
            satisfied smile, said nothing, deciding  to wait  and  see  what  would  happen  further,
            however, at the same time was on my guard in case something suddenly went wrong.

                  – It’s me too... – The girl whispered in delight. – Wow, this is marvellous! It’s truly
                  Her thin fingers began to shine brightly and the "second" Stella began to melt
            slowly and fluidly flow into the "real" Stella, who stood near me, through her fingers.
            Her body began to be denser, but not the way a physical body would become denser.
            It rather acquired a denser shine, being filled with some unearthly light.
                  Suddenly  I  felt somebody's  presence  behind  my  back. It  was our  acquaintance

                  – Forgive me, lucid child, but you won’t come to fetch your "imprint" soon...
            You’ll have to wait a long, long time. – She looked into my eyes very attentively. –
            And probably, won’t come for it at all...
                  – How is that, "I won’t come"?! – I was frightened. – If everybody comes, I will
                    come too!

                  – I  don’t  know.  For  some  reason  your  fate  is  closed  to  me.  I  cannot  tell  you
                    anything, sorry...
                  I was very disappointed, but trying with all my might and main not to show that
            to Atenais, I asked as calmly as I could:
                  – And what is an "imprint"?

                  – Oh,  everybody  comes  back  to  it  when  they  die.  When  your  soul  ends  its
            "suffering" in the next earthly body, in the moment it says goodbye to it, the soul flies
            to its real Home and it is as if it "heralds" its return... It is then it leaves this "imprint".
            But afterwards, it must come back again to the "dense" earth in order to say goodbye
            to who it once has been... and in a year, on saying the "last farewell", leave it for
            good... And then, this free soul comes here to meet the part it has left earlier and find
            rest, expecting a new trip to the "old world".
                  I did not understand then what Atenais was talking about, it simply sounded very
            beautiful... And only today, after so many, many years, (when my "hungry" soul has
            absorbed the knowledge of my amazing husband Nicolai a long time ago) "looking"
            through  my  amusing  past  for  this  book,  I  remembered  Atenais  with  a  smile  and
            certainly, understood that what she called an "imprint" was just a power splash which
            happens to everybody in the moment of our death and reaches exactly that level which
            corresponds to the evolutional development of a dead person. That which Atenais
            called the "farewell" with "who it once has been" was nothing else but the final
            separation of all "bodies" of the spirit from the dead physical body, so that it can go

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