Page 148 - Revelation
P. 148

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            away once and for all and meet its failing particle, the level of development which it
            could not "reach" for one or another reason, when living on Earth. All this happens
            exactly in a year after death. All this I understand now, but then I had to be content
            with my own child’s understanding of what happened to me and my own guesses,
            which sometimes were erroneous and sometimes correct…

                  – Do the spirits which live on other "floors" have "imprints"? – The curious Stella
                  –  Yes, they certainly have, but the imprints are different.  – Atenais answered
            calmly. – Besides, not on all "floors" are they pleasant like here... especially on one...

                  – I know! I know! It’s probably the "lower" one! We should go there to look! It
            must be so interesting! – Stella contentedly twittered again.
                  The swiftness and easiness with which she forgot everything that a minute ago
            scared or surprised her and the readiness to get to the new and unknown was awesome.
                  – Forgive me, young maidens. It’s time for me to leave. May your happiness be
            eternal. – Atenais pronounced in solemn voice.

                   With a flowing wave of her "winged" hand, again, as if pointing the way, the
            familiar shining gold path ran under our feet and the marvelous woman-bird placidly
            floated in the air in her fairy- tale boat, ready to meet and direct new travelers which
            "looked for themselves", patiently fulfilling her quest, the essence of which we did not
                  – Well, where shall we go, "young maiden"? – I asked my little friend, smiling.

                  – Why did she call us that? – Stella asked thoughtfully. – Do you think they spoke
            like that where she once lived?
                  – I don’t know. Probably it was very long time ago, but she bears it in mind for
                    some reason.
                  – Well, that’s all! Let’s go on! – Suddenly exclaimed the little one, as if getting
            back to reality.

                  This time we did not go along the path so obligingly offered to us and decided to
            choose "our way", exploring the world using just our forces which, as it appeared, were
            not  so  insufficient.  We  moved  toward  the  numerous  transparent  and  horizontal
            "tunnels" which emitted the golden shine, along which spirits constantly glided here
            and there.
                  – Is  it  something  like  an  earthly  train?  –  I  asked,  laughing  at  the  amusing

                  – No, it’s not that simple. – Stella answered. – I was once in it. It’s something like
            a "train of time", if you could call it that.
                  – But there is no time here. – I was surprised.
                  – Correct, but they are different habitats of the spirits: those which died thousands
            of years ago, and those that just got here. Gran showed them to me. It was there where
            I found Harold... Do you want to see it?

                  Of course, I wanted to see it! It seemed that nothing in the world could stop me!
            These fascinating "steps into the unknown" agitated my imagination, which had already

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