Page 162 - Revelation
P. 162

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            to choose.

                  We found ourselves in some kind of wood, a very bright and colourful one. It was
           absolutely fabulous! Nevertheless, I thought for some reason that I would not wish to stay
           in such a forest for long. Again, it was too beautiful and bright, which even oppressed me
           a little, very different from our calming and fresh, green and light earthly forest. Maybe
           it is true that one should be where one truly belongs. I thought of our nice "star" girl. She
           must  have  missed  her  home  and  familiar  environment  so  badly!  Only  now  I  could
           understand a little how lonely she must feel on our imperfect and sometimes dangerous
                  – Tell us, please, Vaya. Why did Atis call you a gone one? – At last I asked the
            question which had been obtrusively twirling around in my head.

                  – Long ago my family voluntarily went to help other creatures which needed our
            help. It often happens here. And the gone ones don’t ever come back home... This is a
            choice of free will; they totally realize what they have decided upon. That is why Atis
            felt sorry for me.
                  – Who leaves, if it is impossible to return? – Stella was surprised.
                  – Very many do, sometimes too many. – Vaya became sad. – Once our wise men
            were afraid that we would not have enough viilises to render our planet habitable.

                  – What is a viilise? – Stella asked.
                  – We are viilises. Like you are humans, we are viilises. Our planet is called Viilis.
            – Vaya answered.

                  Only now I suddenly realized that the idea of asking this question for some reason
            had not occurred to us before! But it had to be the first thing which we should have
                  – Did you change or you were always the same? – I asked again.
                  –We changed, but only inwardly, if that is what you meant. – Vaya answered.

                  An enormous, terribly bright, multicoloured bird flew over our heads. A crown of
            glittering orange "feathers" sparkled on its head. The wings were long and fluffy, as if
            the bird were carried on a multicoloured cloud. It sat on a stone and stared at us.
                  – Why does it scrutinize us so attentively? – Stella asked huddling up. It seemed
            to me that she had quite another question in mind – "Has this "birdie" eaten anything
            today?" The bird carefully jumped nearer. Stella squeaked and jumped back. The bird
            made one more step. It was three times bigger than Stella, but did not seem aggressive,
            rather curious.

                  – Why? Does it like me, or something? – Stella pouted. –Why doesn’t it go to
            you? What does it want from me?
                  It was funny to observe Stella’s attempts at self-restraint in order not to shoot off
            like a bullet from a gun. It was obvious that Stella did not cherish any kind feelings for
            the beautiful bird. Suddenly the bird opened out its wings and we were dazzled by the
            amazing radiance. The fog, like the one which we observed over Vaya, when we met
            her for the first time, slowly began to curl over the bird’s wings. It became thicker
            looking like a dense curtain, and enormous, almost human, eyes looked at us from this

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