Page 161 - Revelation
P. 161

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  – But how? She is unable to be here!

                  – She is able. She has the same crystal as you have. – There was the answer. – We
            will meet her at the "bridge"." She gave no further explanation and soon stopped our
            strange "boat."
                  Now we were at the foot of a shining "polished" night-black wall which sharply
            contrasted with all the light and  blazing objects around and looked like something
            artificial and alien. Unexpectedly the wall "dispersed", as if it was made of dense fog
            and a golden "cocoon" appeared with Stella inside it. She looked fresh and sound, as if
            she had just been out for a pleasant walk and, certainly, she was terribly pleased with
            all that was going on. On seeing me, her dear little face shone with happiness. As usual,
            she immediately began to chatter:

                  – Wow!  You  are  here  too!  Oh,  that’s  great!!!  I  was  so  worried!  I  thought
            something had happened to you. How did you get here? – Dumbfounded, the girl stared
            at me.
                  – I think the same way as you. – I smiled.
                  – When I saw that you were gone, I tried to track you down! I tried and tried and
            nothing worked until she came along. – Stella pointed to Vaya. – I am so grateful to
            you for that, girl Vaya!
            – She thanked her, using her funny habit of addressing several persons at once.

                  – This "girl" is two million years old. – I whispered in my friend’s ear.
                  Stella stared wide-eyed, rooted to the spot, slowly "digesting" the stunning news.

                  – Two million, how can that be and why does she look so young? – The amazed
            Stella could finally exhale.
                  – She says that her kind live a very long time. Maybe your spirit is also from there?
            – I joked. Obviously, Stella did not like my joke, because she heartily objected: – How
            can you say that? I am like you! I am not in the least part a "violet" one! – It made me
            smile and I felt a little bit ashamed – my little friend was a real patriot.
                  As  soon  as  Stella  appeared,  I  felt  happy  and  strong  at  once.  Probably,  our
            common, sometimes dangerous, walks on the "floors" very positively told on my mood,
            which immediately put everything in its place. Stella looked around with unconcealed
            delight. It was very obvious that she wanted to flood our "guide" with thousands of
            questions. But the small girl heroically restrained herself, trying to seem more serious
            and adult than she actually was.

                  – Tell me, please, girl Vaya, where may we go? – Stella asked very politely. It
            seemed that she still was unable to realize fully the idea that Vaya could be so "old"...
                  – Wherever you wish since you are here. – The "star" girl answered.

                  We looked around. We wanted to be in all parts at once! All was extraordinarily
            interesting and we wanted to see everything, but we understood perfectly that we could
            not be there eternally. I saw Stella fidgeting with eagerness and impatience and left the
            choice where we should go to her.
                  – May we, please, see what animals you have here? – Stella asked unexpectedly
                    for  me.
            Certainly, I would like to see other things but, well, it was me who gave her the option

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