Page 71 - Revelation
P. 71

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            beloved father right  before her eyes. I had no idea what to do but something must be
            done immediately. I quickly looked around and found nothing better to grasp than the
            pile of dirty plates and toss them on the floor with all my might. Arthur jumped up in
            the arm-chair and stared at me with his half-mad eyes.

                  – Stop moping! – I cried. – Look, what "friends" you have invited to your house!
                  I was not sure whether he could see what we saw, but this was my only hope to
            bring him round somehow and thus make him sober up a bit.

                  The way his eyes suddenly became like saucers I understood – he saw it. Totally
            horrified, he dashed aside into a corner, being unable to take his eyes off his "cute"
            guests and say a word; he only pointed at them with his trembling hand. He was
            trembling with shock and I understood that if I did nothing, the poor man would have
            a nervous attack.
                  I mentally tried to address the strange monster-like creatures, but nothing good
            came of it; they ominously "growled", waving me away with their paws with sharp
            claws and without turning around, sent a very painful power blow straight into my
            chest. One of them "unglued" from Arthur and thinking that Vesta would be easy prey,
            jumped on her. The girl began to squeal wildly from surprise, but – one has to give
            her due for bravery – she began to fight it off with all her might. They were incorporeal
            spirits,  therefore  perfectly  "understood"  each  other  and  could  freely  inflict  and
            exchange energy shots. You should have seen the fervour with which the fearless little
            girl threw herself into battle.
                  Surely her vigorous blows made the shrivelling "monster" see stars, but to our
            shame we, the three observers, froze so that we did not react immediately to give her
            any help. Right then Vesta began to look like a totally squeezed golden lump and, on
            turning transparent, disappeared somewhere. I understood that she had given all her
            forces, trying to defend herself, and now she had nothing left to maintain the contact
            with us. Christina perplexedly looked around – probably her daughter was not in the
            habit of disappearing all of a sudden, leaving her absolutely alone. I began to look
            around then and I saw the most punch-drunk face I ever saw in my life, both before
            and after... Arthur was in real shock and looked right at his wife!

                  Most likely the overdose of alcohol, huge stress and all subsequent emotions
            opened a "door" between our different worlds for a short while and he saw his dead
            Christina, being beautiful and "real" the same as he always knew her. No words could
            describe the expression in their eyes! They did not talk, although, as I understood,
            Arthur could hear her. I think, he just could not talk at that moment, but his eyes
            contained everything – the wild pain which had tormented him for so long, boundless
            happiness which stunned him with its suddeness and supplication, and a lot more
            things which no words would be able to express!
                  He stretched out his hands to her, not understanding that he would never be able
            to hug her anymore in this world. I think he hardly understood anything at all then...
            He simply saw her again, which was quite incredible in itself! All the rest did not
            matter to him at all... And here Vesta appeared again. She stared at her dad in surprise
            and suddenly, understanding everything, cried heart-rendingly:

                  – Da-a-d! Daddy!!! – She threw her arms around his neck, or rather tried to,

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