Page 72 - Revelation
P. 72

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            because she, like her mother, could never physically touch him in this world anymore.

                  – My fox-cub, my dear, dear, child, my joy. – The father repeated, grasping
            emptiness. – Don’t go. Don’t leave me, please!
                  He literally "choked" with emotions too strong for his tormented heart. And here
            I became worried that this unexpected, almost superhuman, happiness could kill him...
            But the hissing and frenzied "monsters", about which we had totally forgotten, took
            the strain off (just in time!), but they obviously were not going to forget anybody. To
            my shame, I absolutely forgot about them, being "hypnotized" by the beauty of the
            family  reunion!  Now,  they  changed  "tactics"  and  did  not  attack  the  father.  They
            considered it more comfortable to appease their eternal "hunger" and sate themselves
            with the life-force of a child – little Vesta. Arthur frantically brandished his arms,
            trying to protect his daughter, but of course he was unable to harm anybody. The
            situation  got  totally  out  of  hand  and  began  to  acquire  a  very  unpleasant  turn  too
            quickly. I had to get rid of this dog-tooth- claws-hissing horror as quickly as possible
            and do that so that it could never come back and hurt the poor man…

                  – Think, think, think! – I yelled to myself, almost aloud.
                  Suddenly, in a bright flash, I saw a "picture" of my body shining with blinding
            green and my old "star friends" who smiled on me and pointed at that green light...
            Most  likely  my  "panicking"  brain  somehow  succeeded  in  calling  them  from
            somewhere, and now they tried in their own way to "prompt" me as to what I must
            do. Without thinking twice, I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate and mentally
            call the feeling forgotten a long time ago. In a fraction of a second the whole of me
            "blazed" with the same amazingly bright green light which I had just seen in the
            "picture" that my friends showed me. My body shone so brightly that it lit up almost
            the whole room together with  the swarming loathsome creatures. I was not sure what
            to do further, but I felt that I must direct this "light" (or more precisely, energy) at the
            wriggling "monsters" to force them to disappear from our sight as quickly as possible
            and from Arthur’s life, which was complicated enough without them.
                  The room blazed with green and I felt that a very "thick" green ray broke from
            my hands and hit the mark. A wild squeal turning into an “other-worldly” howl was
            heard. I thought that everything was over at last and they would disappear for good,
            but it appeared that the "happy ending" had not come yet. The creatures convulsively

            clutched with their claws and paws at the father swinging with his hands and the
            daughter bravely fighting with them and obviously were not going to surrender. I
            understood that Vesta would not survive the second "attack" and thus lose her only
            chance to talk to her father for the last time. I could not allow that. I pulled my strength
            together once again and with all my force "flung" the green rays at all "monsters"
            simultaneously. Something loudly flapped and….. Complete silence.
                  At last all monster-like creatures disappeared and we could finally breathe a sigh
            of relief.
                  This was my first, still a "child's", war with real creatures from the low-astral
            level of our planet. I cannot say that it was pleasant or I was not scared. Today we live
            in  the  twenty-first  century  with  a  glut  of  computer  games  and  have  got  used  to

            everything, so that no scary thing can surprise us anymore. Even little children feel

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