Page 73 - Revelation
P. 73

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            totally at home in the world of computer vampires, werewolves, killers and rapists
            and are absolutely delighted to kill, cut, devour and shoot just to "go to the next level"
            of their favourite game. Most likely, if a real monster were to appear at that moment
            in a room, they would not even think about being frightened, but surely lump the
            blame onto special effects, holography, shifting in time, etc, despite the fact that none
            of them could experience in reality either "time travel" or the other "effects" they
            adore so much.

                  But they proudly feel themselves the "fearless heroes" of their favourite cruel
            games, although it is highly unlikely that these heroes would behave in the same
            "heroic" way, if they saw any LIVING low-astral monster in reality.
                  But let us come back into our room, now "purified" from the claw-and-fang dirt.

                  Gardually I calmed down and was able to talk to my new acquaintances. Arthur
            sitting in the arm-chair, stone-still and dumbfounded, looked now at me. The alcohol
            had totally evaporated from him and now I saw a very pleasant but recklessly unhappy
            young man.
                  – Who are you? Are you an angel too? – He asked faintly.
                  I was asked this question very often (only without "too") when I met the spirits
            and I already got used to not reacting to it, although to tell the truth, in the beginning
            it perplexed me for a long time.

                  I pricked up my ears.
                  – Why "too"? – Puzzled, I asked.

                  – Somebody came to me who called himself an "angel", but I know that it was
            not you. – Arthur answered sadly.
                  A very unpleasant conjecture dawned upon me...
                  – Did you feel bad after the "angel" left? – I asked, having already understood
            what was the matter.

                  – How do you know? – He was very surprised.
                  – It was not an angel, rather on the contrary. You were simply used, but I cannot
            explain it correctly for you, because I still know little about it. I simply feel when it
            happens. You have to be very careful. – The only thing I could tell him then.

                  – Is this something like what I saw today? – Arthur asked thoughtfully.
                  – In a way, yes.
                  It was clear that he did his best to understand all that. Unfortunately, I was unable
            to explain everything to him, because I was just a little girl which tried to "dig" down
            to truth on her own, being guided in her "search" just by her "special talent", still
            unclear even to herself...

                  Obviously Arthur was a strong person who, being unable to understand what was
            going on, simply accepted it. However, no matter how strong this exhausted by pain
            man was, it was obvious that his beloved daughter and wife’s images which now he
            could not see brought unendurable and deep suffering to him... One had to have a
            stone heart to calmly observe how he looked around with the eyes of a confused child,
            trying to "return" his beloved wife Christina and his brave dear "fox- cub" – Vesta, if

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