Page 74 - Revelation
P. 74

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            only for a fraction of a second. Regrettably, his brain could not endure such a huge
            load  and  became  firmly  "shut  down"  isolating  him  from  his  wife  and  daughter’s
            world, thus preventing their communication.

                  Arthur neither begged for help nor was indignant... To my enormous relief, he
            accepted those crumbs which life could give to him today with surprising calmness
            and gratitude. Obviously, the "squall" of both positive and negative emotions totally
            emptied his poor, exhausted heart, and now he could only patiently wait, hoping that
            I would have something to offer him.
                  They talked for a long time, even making me cry, despite the fact that I thought
            I had got used to something like that, if, certainly, one can get used to this at all...

                  In approximately an hour I felt like a squeezed lemon and began to worry a little,
            thinking  about  returning  home,  but  did  not  dare  to  stop  this  meeting,  which  had
            already become much happier, but regrettably doomed to be the last one. Very many
            who I tried to help this way pleaded with me to come again, but I refused. Not because
            I  did  not  pity  them,  but  because  there  were  so  many  of  them  and  I  was  one,
            unfortunately. Besides I had to live my own life which I adored and always dreamed
            of living as fully and interestingly as possible.
                  Therefore, no matter how I pitied them, I always gave myself to a person for only
            one meeting in order that he had the opportunity to change (or at least to try) that
            which he or she would like very much to change but usually had not the slightest
            hope of doing so. I considered it to be fair enough, both for me and for them. Only
            for one did I break my "iron" rule and met my guest several times, because I just could
            not say no to her.


                  How can one understand or explain that which he never heard or knew? But
            people do it constantly, without thinking that maybe they are wrong or others quite
            simply do not need their opinion or explanation... I still remember my only intent to
            tell a "clever man" about a charming girl with a lucid name Stella. From his "bird’s
            eye view", he very indulgently began to explain to me what I had "truly" felt and
            what had "really" happened....
                  It was an amazing story and I was eager to share it with somebody for the first
                  time, but after this unprecedented in its foolishness case, I never repeated a similar
                  error and shared my thoughts  or adventures with anybody, except my father,
                  which happened a bit later. Then I firmly decided that I would never again allow
                  someone to wound my soul, which I usually held "unbuttoned" for all who might

                  need it, so badly and which now got a deep crack in it, because a quite dull-witted
                  person senselessly wanted to make a brilliant display of his "knowledge" in front
                  of a naive nine- year-old child.
                  The  most  shocking  detail  here  was  that  this  person  was  a  "well-educated"
            university professor who was invited to our school to carry out a meeting and I thought
            that he would be the one who understood everything correctly, like it should be.
            But  as  it  appeared,  a  graduate  degree  could  not  always  give  a  real  level  of
            understanding, not to mention his stale and indifferent soul. Like one magnificent

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