Page 76 - Revelation
P. 76

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            but very warm hand and unexpectedly smiled very brightly:

                  –      Don’t worry, dear, everything will be all right. Just don’t be in a hurry
            to know all the answers. It is too early for you, because, in order to get answers, first
            of all you must know the correct questions, which have not matured in you yet...
                  Many years had to pass before I succeeded in understanding what this strange
            wise old lady truly wanted to say. But then I just listened to her very attentively, trying
            to memorize every word in order to "scroll" later in my memory everything I did not
            understand (but which was, as I felt, very important for me) and try to catch at least
            grains of what would help me in my ever-lasting search.

                  – You  have  undertaken  too  heavy  a  weight.  Be  careful,  you  may  overstrain
            yourself. – The old lady calmly continued and I understood that she meant my contacts
            with the dead. – Not all people are worth it, dear. Some must pay for their acts,
            otherwise they will begin to consider that they deserve forgiveness for no reason
            whatsoever, and then the only thing your goodness will bring to them is harm...
            Remember, my little one, good always must be WISE. Otherwise it is not good, but
            just an echo of your heart or desire which may not necessarily coincide with the
            real essence of the person to whom you have given such a precious gift.
                  I suddenly became ill at ease. It seemed that those words were not said by a nice
            old lady but a very wise and kind sorceress who’s every word was literally imprinted
            in my brain. It looked like she carefully conducted me along the "correct" path in
            order that I, still little and foolish, would not have to "stumble" too often, undertaking
            my "soft-hearted feats", sometimes quite incorrect ones.
                  A panic thought suddenly flashed through my mind: what if she disappears right
            now?! But I wanted so much that she shared with me as many things as possible!

                  But I understood that this would be exactly the "receiving something for free"
            against  which  she  had  just  warned  me.  Therefore  I  tried  to  take  hold  of  myself,
            extinguish  my  raging  emotions  as  much  as  I  could  and  rushed  to  "defend"  my
                  – What if those people just made errors? – I did not give up. – Everybody makes
            a mistake sooner or later and has the right to repent.

                  The old lady sadly looked at me and calmly said, shaking her grey head:
                  – There are mistakes, and then there are mistakes, my dear. Not just any mistake
            can be atoned by anguish or pain, let alone words; as well as not everybody who
            wishes  to  repent  should  get  the  chance  to,  because,  due  to  Man’s  greatest
            foolishness, he values nothing that comes to  him gratis or when a gift requires no
            effort from him. Therefore, there is nothing easier for one who has made a mistake,
            than to repent, but to change himself is indeed incredibly hard. You would not give
            a chance to a criminal just because you suddenly felt pity for him, would you? But
            anybody who offends, hurts or betrays his nearest and dearest becomes a criminal in
            his  heart,  if  only  for  a  tiny,  insignificant  fraction  of  a  second.  Therefore,  "give"
            carefully, girl…
                  I sat very quietly, deeply in thought about the words which this amazing old lady
            had just shared with me. Only I still could not agree with her wisdom. An unshakable

            faith in good was very strong in me, like in every innocent child, and back then her
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