Page 75 - Revelation
P. 75

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            writer said: "even a small mind can shine, if it is properly rubbed against books". So,
            obviously, this professor had rubbed his mind...

                  But this story is not about him, but about someone truly pure and lucid and
            therefore absolutely worthwhile telling about.
                  One early autumn morning I walked in the nearby forest. On gathering a bouquet
            of  the last  autumn  flowers, I, as usual,  came  to  the cemetery  to lay  them  on  my
            grandad’s grave.

                  Our cemetery was very beautiful (if, certainly, one may use this word to describe
            this sad place). It was (and still is) right in the forest in a surprisingly light glade
            surrounded  by  mighty  old  trees  and  looked  like  a  quiet  green  harbour  where
            everybody could find rest and peace, if fate for one or another reason suddenly broke
            his fragile thread of life. We called this cemetery "new", because it had just been
            opened and my grand-dad was only the third person to be buried there. Therefore it
            did not look like a real cemetery...
                  I entered the gate and greeted a shortish, thin, old lady who sat there alone and
            was submerged in the train of her thoughts.
                  The day was pleasant, sunny and warm, although autumn had acceded to the
            throne and ruled very confidently. The light breeze rustled in the remaining leaves,
            spreading around the sweet smell of honey, mushrooms and earth warmed by the last
            sun rays... Kind, deep and "golden" silence reigned in this peaceful place of Eternal
            Rest, just like it should.

                  As usual, I sat down on a small bench near grandad’s tomb and began to tell him
            the latest news. I knew that it was foolish and that he could not hear me, even if I
            wished it very much (because his spirit lived in me from the day of his death), but I
            lacked his presence so strongly and constantly, that I had allowed myself this tiny,
            inoffensive illusion in order to return that wonderful connection which I had only with
            him alone, if only for a short moment.
                  So, I quietly and peacefully "spoke" to my grandad and did not notice when the
            miniature old lady came and sat down next to me on a small stump. I do not know
            how long she sat with me like this, but when I came back into "normal reality", I saw
            blue radiant eyes, not at all senile, which tenderly looked at me, as if asking whether
            I needed any help.

                  –      Oh, I am sorry. I did not notice when you came! – I said being strongly
                  Usually it was difficult to approach me unnoticed. An internal sense of  self-
            defence always snapped into action, but this nice old lady emmited such warm and
            boundless good which most likely inhibited all my "protective reflexes".
                  – Well, here I am, speaking with my grandad. – I said abashedly.

                  – Don’t be ashamed, dear, – the old lady shook her head, – you have a soul-
            grantor. It is a rare and enormous happiness. Don’t be ashamed.
                  I  looked  at  the  frail  and  very  unusual  old  lady  with  total  attention  having
            absolutely no idea what she was talking about, but for some reason feeling absolute
            and complete trust toward her. She sat closer, tenderly hugged me with her aged, dry,

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