Page 77 - Revelation
P. 77

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            words seemed to me too hard and not quite just. But that was then…

                  As if catching the train of my "indignant" thoughts, she tenderly stroked my hair
            and quietly said:
                  –      This is exactly what I meant, when I said that you have not yet
            matured enough for the correct questions. Don’t worry, dear. It will come very
            soon, maybe sooner than you think now...

                  I accidentally glanced into her eyes and I felt a chill down my spine... They were
            the most amazing, truly bottomless, omniscient eyes of a person who had lived on
            Earth for at least a thousand years! I never saw such eyes!
                  She probably noticed my confusion and reassuringly wispered:
                  – Life is not like you think, little one. But you will understand it later, when you
            begin to accept it correctly. Your fate is strange... hard and very light, woven of stars.
            Many fates are in your hands. Take care of yourself, girl.

                  I did not understand what all that meant, but I had no time to ask because to my
            huge regret the old lady suddenly disappeared and a, shocking in its beauty, picture
            appeared instead – a strange transparent door opened and a sunlit marvellous city
            appeared as if being made of a solid piece of crystal... It sparkled with all the colours
            of the rainbow. The shining edges of its incredible palaces or amazing buildings and
            structures,  which  one  never  could  see  on  Earth,  twinkled.  It  was  a  breathtaking
            embodiment of somebody's crazy and beautiful dream. And there, a little human being
            sat on the transparent step of the fretted porch, a very fragile and serious redheaded
            girl who amiably waved her hand to me. Suddenly I had an urge to get closer to her.
            I thought that it again was "another" reality and most likely nobody would explain
            anything to me, as it had often happened before, but the girl smiled and shook her
            head as if saying "No".
                  At a short distance she appeared quite a "tiddler" who did not look more than
            five years old, at the very best.

                  – Hello! – She said merrily smiling. – I am Stella. How do you like my world?
                  – Hello, Stella! – I answered carefully. – It is very beautiful here, indeed. And
            why do you call it yours?
                  – Because I created it! – The girl twittered, even merrier.

                  Dumbfounded I stood with my mouth wide open. Words escaped me... I felt that
            she told the truth, but could not imagine how one can create such a thing and tell
            about it so matter of factly.
                  – My Gran likes it too. – The girl said with contented air.

                  I understood that "Gran" was the unusual old lady who had just talked to me so
            amiably and who hugely impressed me, just like her no less unusual granddaughter.
                  – Are you absolutely alone here? – I asked.
                  – It depends. – The girl grew sad.

                  – Why don’t you call your friends?
                  – I don’t have any. – The little one whispered cheerlessly.

                  I did not know what to say, being afraid to distress such a strange, lonely and

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