Page 78 - Revelation
P. 78

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            charming creature even more.

                  –      Would you like to see something else? – She asked, as if awaken from sad
                  I  only  nodded  in  reply,  deciding  to  leave  the  thread  of  conversation  to  her,
            because I did not know what else would distress her and had no wish whatsoever to
            try to find out.

                  – Look, this was yesterday – Stella said, becoming a bit cheerful.
                  The world turned upside down. The crystal city disappeared and a "southern"
            landscape blazing with bright colours materialized. I was so impressed and surprised
            that I had a lump in my throat.
                  – Have you done this too? – I asked carefully.

                  She  proudly  nodded  her  curly  red  head.  It  was  very  amusing  to  watch  her,
            because the girl was earnestly proud of what she succeeded in creating. Who would
            not be? She was a tiny being which created new unbelievable worlds in between times
            with no effort whatsoever and changed those of which she had tired, just like that...
            To tell the truth, it was something that may truly shock you. I tried to understand what
            was  really  happening  here.  Stella  was  obviously  dead,  and  it  was  her  spirit  that
            communicated with me all this time. But where we were and how she created those
            "worlds" was still a real riddle for me.
                  – Is there something that you don’t understand? – The girl was surprised.

                  – And how, to tell the truth! – I exclaimed.
                  – But you can do much more! – The girl grew surprised even more.
                  – More? – I asked struck dumb.

                  She  nodded,  funnily  bowing  her  red  head.Who  showed  all  that  to  you?  –  I
                  carefully asked, being afraid of accidentally hurting her feelings.
                  – My Gran, of course. – She said, as if it went without saying. – I was very sad
            and lonely in the beginning, and my grandmother was very sorry for me. So, she
            showed how to do it.

                  Here I finally understood that it was really her world which she created by the
            force of her thought. The girl did not even understand what a treasure she was!
            Unlike her grandmother, who, I think, understood it very well.
                  As it appeared, several months before Stella died in a car accident together with
            all her  family. Only the grandmother survived because it happened there was no place
            for her in the car that day. She almost went mad when she knew about the frightful,
            irreparable tragedy. Oddly enough, Stella did not go to the same level where all her
            family went, as usually happens. Her body possessed a highly developed spirit which
            went to the highest levels of Earth after death. Thus the girl found herself quite lonely,
            because her mother, father and elder brother apparently were the most ordinary people
            who had no special talents.
                  – Why haven’t you found someone here, where you live now? – Again I asked

                  – I have. But they all are sort of old and serious, not like you and me. – The girl

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