Page 79 - Revelation
P. 79

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            whispered thoughtfully.

                  Suddenly she merrily smiled and her charming little face began to shine like a
           bright petite sun.
            – Do you want me to show you how to do it?
            I only nodded in consent, fearing that she could change her mind. But the girlie
            obviously was not going to "change" anything, on the contary – she was extremely
            glad to find someone nearer her age, and now was not going to let me go so easily.
            This "outlook" suited me just perfectly and I was prepared to listen attentively about
            her unbelievable wonders.

                  –  Everything  here  is  much  easier  than  on  Earth,  –  Stella  twittered,  being
            enormously pleased with the attention provided, – You must just forget about the
            "level" where you still live (!) and concentrate on what you want to see. Try to imagine
            it very exactly and it will come.
                  I tried to disconnect myself from outside thoughts and failed. I never could do
            that easily for some reason.
                  Finally  everything  disappeared  somewhere  and  I  found  myself  hanging  in
            complete emptiness. A feeling of Total Peace appeared. Its plenitude was amazing,
            impossible to experience on Earth... Then the emptiness began to be filled with a fog
            which sparkled with all the colours of the rainbow and gradually became thick looking
            like a shining and very dense ball of stars. Fluently and slowly the "ball" began to
            untwist and grow until it looked like a shockingly beautiful, giant sparkling spiral the
            end of which was "nebulized" with thousands of stars and disappeared in the endless
            expanse. Dumbfounded I looked at this fairy-tale unearthly magnificent beauty, trying
            to understand how and where it came from. It did not occur to me that it was truly me
            who created it in my imagination. Also I could not get rid of a very strange feeling
            that exactly THIS was my real home.

                  – Wha-a-at is it? – The thin voice asked in a wonder-struck whisper.
                  Stella was in shock, "frozen", unable to move a single muscle. Her eyes wide
            like saucers observed the unbelievable beauty which came like a bolt from the blue
            who knows where from.

                  Suddenly the air around us strongly swayed and a luminous creature appeared
            right in front of us. He looked very like my old "crowned" star friend, but obviously
            it  was  somebody  different.  On  recovering  from  shock  and  examining  him  more
            attentively, I understood that he did not look like my old friends at all. It’s just that
            the first impression "fixed" the same hoop on the forehead and the same might, but
            apart  from  that  they  had  nothing  in  common.  All  my  "guests"  were  tall, but  this
            creature  was  very  tall;  his  height  was,  probably,  almost  five  meters.  His  strange
            shining clothes (if they can be called so) were streaming like a banner in the wind all
            the time, scattering sparkling crystal tails behind, although we felt no wind or even
            breeze  around.  His  long,  silver  hair  shone  with  strange  lunar  halo,  giving  the
            impression of "eternal cold" around his head. And his eyes!  What eyes he had! I wish
            you’d never have to look into them! Before I saw them, I could not imagine such a
            thing even in my boldest fantasy. They were incredibly pink and shimmered with
            thousands of brilliant stars which lit every time he looked at you. It was absolutely

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