Page 81 - Revelation
P. 81

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            whom I sincerely wanted to stay forever.

                  Regrettably,  real  life  called  me  to  "come  down  to  Earth"  and  I  had  to  say
            goodbye, without knowing whether I would succeed in seeing her again, if only for
            an instant.
                  Stella looked at me with her large, round eyes, as if wishing and at the same time
                  not daring to ask me something. I decided to help her.

                  – Do you want me to come again? – I asked, cherishing
                  hopes for "yes". Her funny face again shone with all shades
                  of joy:

                  – Will you really, really come?! – She squeaked happily.
                  – I will, really, really. – I promised firmly.

                       Stella-2. Harold

                  My days, busily "up to my neck" in everyday bustle, turned out to be weeks, and
            I still could not find free time to visit my darling little friend. I thought about her
            almost every day and swore to myself that tomorrow I would find time to "unburden
            my heart" with this wonderful light creature, if only for a couple of hours... There was
            also  another, very  strange, idea  which gave  me  no  rest  –  I  wanted very  much  to
            introduce Stella’s grandmother to mine, no less interesting and unusual... For some
            inexplicable reason I was sure that these extraordinary women would certainly find
            something to talk about.
                  So, one fine day I suddenly decided that "That’s enough!" and it was high time
            to stop putting aside everything "for tomorrow". Although I was not sure that Stella’s
            grandmother would be there that day, I thought that it would be wonderful if I finally
            visited my new friend at least and if I were lucky, introduce our dear grandmothers to
            each other.

                  Some strange force literally pushed me out of home, as if someone very softly
            and at the same time very insistently called me, mentally, from far away.
                  I quietly came to my grandmother and, as usual, began to hang around her, trying
            to think up the best way of telling her about all this.

                  – Well, shall we go or what? – Gran asked calmly.
                  I stared at her in disbelief, trying to understand how she could know that I was
            going to go somewhere at all.
                  But she gave me a sly smile and asked, as if nothing happened:

                  – What? Don’t you want to walk with me?
                  From the bottom of my heart I was indignant at such unceremonious intruding
            in my "private mental world" and I decided to "test" her.

                  – Of course, I want! – I exclaimed joyfully, and without telling where we would
            go, headed for the door.
                  – Take a pullover, when we’re coming back, it’ll be chilly! – My grandmother
                    called after me.
                  That’s it! I could not stand it anymore! I ruffled up like a frozen sparrow and

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