Page 149 - Revelation
P. 149

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            been too vivid, and prevented me from living a tranquil life, until I, being on my last
            legs  but  absolutely  happy  about  what  I  had  seen,  went  back  into  my  "forgotten"
            physical body and fell asleep, trying to rest for at least an hour to charge my seriously
            flat vital "batteries"...

                  So, we continued our little trip and now "swam" in the soft "tunnel", which got to
            our every cell and lulled our hearts; with enormous pleasure we observed blindingly
            colourful (like Stella’s one) and very different "worlds" – the results of somebody’s
            creation – which marvellously flew through each other, now becoming dense and then
            disappearing, leaving the tails of the rainbows shining with astonishing colours.
                  Unexpectedly this tenderest beauty was scattered into shining pieces and we saw
            a world fulgent in its splendour, washed by star dew and grandiose in its beauty. The
            astonishing sight took our breath away...

                  – Wow! Just look at this beauty! Goodness gracious! – The girl breathed out.
                  The view was so delightful that I had a lump in my throat and instead of saying
                  something, I suddenly wanted to cry...
                  – Who lives here, I wonder? – Stella tugged at my hand. – What do you think, who
                    lives here?

                  I had no idea who the happy dwellers in this kind of world might be, but I suddenly
            wanted to know it very much.
                  – Let’s go! – I said resolutely and dragged Stella along behind me.

                  Awesome scenery opened before our eyes. It was very much like the earthly one
            and at the same time it sharply differed. It seemed that we saw a real emerald-green
            "earthly" field covered by succulent, very high and silky grass, but at the same time I
            understood that it was not Earth but something very much like it, yet too ideal and
            unreal. Extraordinary "poppies" reddened this too beautiful field, untouched by human
            feet, like red drops of blood scattered all over the valley as far as the eye can see. Their
            enormous  bright  cups  heavily  swayed  unable  to  sustain  the  weight  of  the  gigantic
            diamond  butterflies which  shimmered  in  a  chaos of  unusual  colours... The  strange
            violet sky blazed with a haze of golden clouds, illuminated from time to time by the
            bright rays of the blue sun.
                  It was a sensationally beautiful world created by somebody's impetuous fantasy.
            It dazzled us with millions of unknown colours... A human being walked in the middle
            of this world... It was a tiny fragile girl, who looked like Stella from afar. We were
            literally  frozen,  being  afraid  to  accidentally  frighten  her  off,  but  the  girl  paid  no
            attention to us and calmly walked in the green field, being almost fully submerged in
            the dense grass. The transparent violet fog curled over her fluffy hair, glimmering with
            stars and creating a beautiful halo. Her long, brilliant and violet hair "flashed" with
            gold while the light breeze affectionately played with it and from time to time kissed
            her tender pale cheeks. The little one seemed very unusual and absolutely calm...
                  – Shall we talk to her? – Stella asked in a whisper.

                  At that moment the girl almost came alongside and, as if awakening from some
            distant  dream,  lifted  her  strange,  very  large  and  slanting...  violet  eyes  at  us  with
            surprise. She was exquisitely beautiful. Her beauty was strange, wild and unearthly and

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