Page 150 - Revelation
P. 150

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            she looked very lonely...

                  – Hello, girl! Why are you so sad? Do you need any help? – Stella asked
            carefully. The little one shook her head:

                  – No, it’s you who need help. – And she continued to examine us attentively
            with her strange slanting eyes.
                  – We? – Stella was surprised. – What kind of help do we need?
                  The girl opened her diminutive palms and two amazingly bright violet crystals
            sparkled on them.

                  –  Here!  –  She  unexpectedly  touched  our  foreheads  with  her  finger-tips,
            laughed  and  the crystals disappeared.
                  It looked very like the "green crystal" which my "star" friends once gave me, but
            then it was them. And this was just a tiny girl who did not look very like us, people...

                  – There, now everything is all right! – She said with satisfaction and went ahead,
            no longer paying attention to us...
                  We followed her with our eyes, stunned and unable to understand anything, and
            continued to stand rooted to the ground, digesting what had just happened. As usual
            Stella came to herself first and shouted:
                  – Girl, please, stop! What is it? What shall we do with it?! Wait, please!!!

                  But  the  little  human  being  only  waved  with  her  fragile  palm  without  turning
            around and calmly continued on her way, very soon fully disappearing in the sea of
            dense green and unearthly grass... and only the light cloud of transparent violet fog
            flew over it...
                  – What was that? – Stella murmured to herself.

                    I  did  not  feel  anything  bad  yet  and,  on  calming  down  after  receiving  the
            unexpected "gift", said:
                  – Let’s not think about it for a while, and later we’ll see...
                  No sooner said than done. The merry green field disappeared somewhere, and a
            quite  uninhabited,  coldly-icy  desert  appeared  instead,  where  a  man  sat  on  the  only
            stone... He was obviously upset about something, but at the same time looked very warm
            and friendly. Long grey wavy hair fell on his shoulders, framing his face, emaciated by
            the years, with its silvery halo. It seemed that he did not see where he was or feel on
            what he sat, and paid no attention whatsoever to the surrounding reality...

                  –  Hello, sad man! – Stella greeted him quietly, approaching near enough to start
            the conversation.
                  The man lifted his eyes. They were blue and pure like the earthly sky.

                  –  What do you want, little ones? What have you lost here? – The "hermit" asked
                  – You are alone and why is nobody with you? – Stella asked sympathetically. –
            And this place is so terrible...
                  It was clear that the man did not want to talk, but Stella’s warm voice left him no
            choice – he had to answer...

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