Page 151 - Revelation
P. 151

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  – I have needed nobody for many, many years. There is no sense in that. – His sad
            voice affectionately purled.

                  – Then what do you do here alone? – The girl continued asking and I began to be
            afraid that we would seem too obtrusive and he would simply ask us to leave him alone.
                  But Stella had a real talent for getting anybody to talk, even the most taciturn
            man... Therefore, she was not going to surrender and, on funnily tilting her red head to
            one side, she continued:

                  – Why don’t you need anybody? Can that really be?
                  – I’ll say, little one... – The man heavily sighed. – I’ll say... I lived the whole of
            my life in vain. Who do you think I need now?
                  I gradually began to understand something and, gathering up my courage, carefully

                  – Had you got the whole picture of everything when you came here?
                  The man jerked up his head in surprise and, on fixing his gaze, which suddenly
            became piercing, upon me, sharply asked:

                  – What do you know about it, little one? What  can you know about it? – He
            stooped even more, as if the weight that rested on his shoulders became impossibly
            heavy. – All my life I bumped against the incomprehensible, looked for an answer...
            and did not find it. And when I came here, everything appeared to be so simple! I lived
            my whole live in vain...
                  – But this is great, if you already know everything now you can look for something
            new! This place is full of incomprehensible things! – The happy Stella "calmed down"
            the stranger. – What is your name, sad man?
                  – It’s Fabius, dear. Do you know the girl who gave you this crystal?

                  Stella and I jumped from surprise and seized poor Fabius in a "death grip"...
                  – Please, please, tell us, who she is!!! – Stella squeaked pleadingly. – We have to
            know it! Absolutely! Such a thing happened to us!!! Such an unusual thing! And now
            we absolutely don’t know what to do with it... – The words flew from her mouth with
            machine-gun  speed  and  it  was  impossible  to  stop  her  even  for  a  minute  until  she
            stopped herself, being out of breath.

                  – She is not from here. – The man said quietly. – She is from far away...
                  It absolutely and fully confirmed my crazy guess which appeared very swiftly in
            my mind and then disappeared at once, as if afraid to exist...
                  –  What  do  you  mean  –  from  far  away?  –  The  girl  did  not  understand.  –  It’s
            impossible to go further, isn’t it? We don’t go further, right?

                  Stella’s eyes opened widely and a spark of understanding gradually began to kindle
            in them...
                  – Oh, boy! Has she flown here or something?! How did she do that?! And how is
            it possible that she is absolutely alone? Oh, my! She is alone! But how can we find her

                  The thoughts in Stella’s confused brain mixed up and boiled, quickly changing
            each other. And I stood, being absolutely astounded, and could not believe it – that,

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