Page 154 - Revelation
P. 154

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            cold air took my breath away every time I went out for a walk and the bright dazzling
            winter sun made my eyes water. The first snow gently covered the naked branches of
            the trees with white fluffy flakes. Every morning Father Frost merrily painted fabulous
            patterns on the windows, while walking playfully on the gleaming hard blue puddles.
            Slowly winter took possession of the World...

                  I was at home leaning against the warm stove (our house was still heated by stoves
            then) and enjoying reading the next new book, when I suddenly felt a pricking in my
            chest, which had already become an habitual thing, in the place where the violet crystal
            was. I lifted my head. Enormous, slanting, violet eyes looked straight at me. She calmly
            stood in the middle of the room, the same as before, surprisingly fragile and rare, and
            stretched out her tiny palm in which was a wonderful red flower. In a panic my first
            thought was to close the door as quickly as possible so that nobody could enter!
                  – Don’t do that. All the same, nobody sees me but you. – The girl said gently.

                  Her thoughts were verbalised in my brain in a very odd way, as though someone
            translated a stranger’s speech quite incorrectly. Nevertheless, I understood her
                  – You looked for me. Why? – Vaya looked intently into my eyes.
                  Her look was also very unusual, as if, simultaneously with her gaze, she passed
            me images which I never saw and the meaning of which I regrettably still did not

                  – And now? – The "star" girl asked, smiling at me.
                  Something "flashed" in my head and I saw a strange but stunningly beautiful
            world, probably, the one she had once lived in. This world was a trifle like the one we
            had seen (which she had created for herself on that "floor") but, nevertheless, it differed
            in the way a picture differs from the reality depicted on it.

                  A beautiful, bright, violet-blue sun merrily rose over the very lush emerald-green
            earth  illuminating  everything  with  an  unusual  bluish  light.  It  was  a  strange  and
            obviously alien morning. All the greenery, which exuberantly grew there, sparkled
            with golden-violet diamonds of "local" morning dew and, happily washing itself in it,
            prepared  to  meet  the  wonderful  new  day.  Everything  glowed  with  incredibly  rich
            colours, too bright for our eyes accustomed as they were to everything "earthly." Far
            off, gentle rose-hued, almost "dense" curly clouds which looked like beautiful pink
            pillows curled in the sky covered with a golden haze. Suddenly the sky flared with
            gold;  I  turned  around  and  stiffened  with  astonishment  –  an  incredibly  enormous,
            golden-pink second sun rose in kingly fashion from the other side! It was much bigger
            than the first one and seemed to be even bigger than the planet itself.
                  But for some reason its rays, unlike those of the first one, shone more softly and
            tenderly resembling a warm "fluffy" embrace. It seemed that this enormous gentle
            luminary was tired of its everyday troubles, but as a matter of habit still gave its last
            drops of heat to this incredibly beautiful planet. It was already "going to rest" and
            readily gave way to a young, "biting" sun which had just begun its celestial journey
            and shone fervently and merrily without being afraid to spill its young heat, generously
            floodlighting all around.

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