Page 153 - Revelation
P. 153

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            me outside Earth, showing me something that I carefully kept in my memory but could
            not understand yet.

                  And now we soared in the nowhere – in the strange, real and terrifying emptiness
            which differed so much from the warm and protected emptiness of the "floors". The
            enormous and boundless, breathing with eternity and a little bit intimidating Space met
            us with open arms, inviting us to submerge in the still unknown star world which had
            attracted me for my whole life. Stella shivered and went pale. In was obvious that the
            load was too huge for her.
                  – How did it occur to you? – I was absolutely delighted with what I saw around.

                  – Oh, it happened accidentally. – The girl gave a forced smile. – One day I was
            very excited and probably it was my too strongly raging emotions that took me straight
            there. But Gran said that I must not do that, it was still too early for me. But I think that
            you can do that. Will you tell me what you find there? Promise?
                  I wanted to give a huge kiss to this kind girl for her open little heart who was ready
            to share everything, holding nothing back, to make people feel good.
                  We felt very tired and, one way or another, I had to go back home, because I did
            not know the limit of my abilities yet and preferred to return until the urge to travel in
            space got truly bad.

                  That  evening  I  had  a  very  high  temperature.  My  grandmother  went  about  in
            circles,  obviously  feeling  something,  and  I  decided  that  it  was  time  to  tell  her
                  My  chest  pulsated  strangely  and  I  felt  as  if  someone  was  trying  to  "explain"
            something to me from far away, but I understood almost nothing because of the high
            temperature; my mother was in a panic and decided to call an ambulance to "protect"
            me  from  this  incomprehensible  rise.  Soon  I  began  to  rave  and,  on  frightening
            everybody to death... I suddenly stopped "burning". My temperature dropped the same
            incomprehensible way as it rose. Watchful expectation hung in the house; because
            nobody understood what had, again, happened to me. My upset mother accused my
            grandmother of not looking after me well, and as usual my grandmother was quiet,
            taking all the blame upon herself.

                  The next morning I was completely all right and my relatives calmed down for
            the  moment.  Only  my  grandmother  continued  to  watch  me  attentively,  as  if  she
            expected something, which, certainly, did not keep her waiting long...

                       Vaya – other worlds
                  Nothing special happened for several days after my visiting the higher "floors",

            except for a very unusual and brief rise in my temperature. I felt perfectly well, but
            thoughts about the girl with violet eyes persistently agitated my wound-up brain which
            clutched at any, even the most absurd idea, as to where and how I could find her again.
            Scores of times I returned to the mental world of Earth trying to find Vaya’s world, but
            it seemed we had lost it forever. My efforts were in vain. The girl had disappeared and
            I had absolutely no idea where to find her...
                  A week passed. The first heavy frost came. I was still unaccustomed to it and the

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