Page 152 - Revelation
P. 152

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            which I had hoped in my heart to happen for so long a time, finally happened!
            And when at last I found this marvellous wonder, I was unable to hold it...

                  –  Don’t be so upset. – Fabius calmly said. – They have always been here... and
            always are.
            One just has to be able to see them...
                  – How is that?! – We gasped and goggled at him like two stunned eagle-owls. –
            What do you mean – they are always here?!

                  – Well, yes. – The hermit answered calmly. – Her name is Vaya. It’s a pity but
            she will not come for a second time. She never appears twice... What a shame! It was
            a real delight to talk to her.
                  – Ah! So, you talked then! – I asked feeling absolutely crushed.
                  – If you are lucky enough to see her again, little one, please, ask her to come back
                    to me...

                  I nodded, being unable to pronounce a word. I wanted to sob violently! I was
            given such an unbelievable and unique chance and lost it! And now I could do nothing
            to get it back. Suddenly a thought flashed through my mind!
                  – Wait a moment! What about the crystal? She gave us her crystal! Will not she
            really come back for it?

                  – I don’t know, dear... I cannot tell.
                  – See! – Stella joyfully exclaimed. – And you said that you knew everything! Why
            be sad then? I told you – there are a lot of incomprehensible things here! So, now you
            have something to think about!
                  She jumped with joy and I felt she had the same thought spinning busily in her
            head as I had in mine...

                  – So, you really don’t know how we can find her? Do you know somebody who
                  does know? Fabius shook his head negatively. Stella wilted.
                  – Well, shall we go? – I slightly pushed her, trying to show that it was time.

                  I was glad and at the same time very sad. For a short instant I saw a real star
            creature and was unable to retain it... I could not even talk to her. Her surprising violet
            crystal tenderly fluttered and pricked in my chest and I had no idea what to do with it
            or how to open it. The tiny wonderful girl with strange violet eyes gave us a wonderful
            dream and went away with a smile, leaving part of her world and the faith that there
            was life very far away, over millions of light years, and maybe one day I would see it
                  – Where do you think she is? – Stella asked in a whisper.
                  Apparently, the amazing "star" girl greatly impressed her and was engraved upon

            her heart, as well as on mine, forever. I was almost sure that Stella cherished some hope
            of finding her some time.
                  – Do you want me to show you something?  – My faithful friend changed the
            subject on seeing my unhappy face.
                  And she "took" us outside the last "floor"! It very strongly reminded me of the
            night, when my star friends came for the last time – they came to say goodbye and took

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