Page 155 - Revelation
P. 155

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  Astonished, I looked around and noticed a whimsical phenomenon – the plants
            had a second shadow, which for some reason very sharply contrasted with the lit part,
            as if the chiaroscuro was painted with bright, flashy colours, vehemently opposed to
            each other. In the dark part the air brightly twinkled with miniature stars which flashed
            at  the  least  motion. It  was  extraordinarily  beautiful  and  extremely  interesting. The
            awoken magic world sounded with thousands of unknown voices, as if informing the
            whole Universe about its happy awakening. I felt very distinctly, almost physically,
            how incredibly pure the air was there! It exhaled an exquisite fragrance filled with
            surprisingly pleasant, elusive, unknown scents, reminiscent of roses, as if a thousand
            different sorts were gathered together. The enormous bright "poppies", which I had
            already  seen,  coloured  everywhere,  wherever  one  looked,  red.  It  was  only  now  I
            realized that Vaya had brought me the same kind of flower! I stretched out my hand
            and  the  flower  fluidly  flowed  into  my  palm  from  her  fragile  palm  and  suddenly
            something strongly "clicked" in my chest. Surprised I saw that millions of striking
            unearthly colours flashed and an amazing crystal opened up in my chest and began to
            sparkle. It pulsated and changed all the time, as if showing newer and newer facets of
            its beauty. I stood stock-still with surprise, fully hypnotized by the show, and could not
            take my eyes off the continuously transforming beauty.

                  – There. – Vaya pronounced with satisfaction in her voice. – Now you can look at
            it whenever you want!
                  – Why is the crystal in my chest, when you put it in my forehead? – At last I
            dared to ask the question which had tormented me for several days. The girl was very
            surprised and, on thinking a little, answered:

                  – I don’t know why you ask, you do know the answer. But if you want to hear it
            from me, all right: I simply gave it to you through your brain but it should be open
            where it belongs, in its real place.
                  – How do I know all that? – I was surprised.
                  The  violet  eyes  studied  me  very  attentively  for  a  few  seconds,  and  then  an
            unexpected  answer followed:

                  – I thought so, you still sleep... But I cannot awaken you; others will do it and that
            will not happen yet.
                  – When will this happen and who will these others be?

                  – Your friends, but you don’t know them right now.
                  – How will I know that they are friends and that they are exactly the right persons?
            – Puzzled, I asked.
                  – You will recall. – Vaya smiled.

                  –  Shall I? How can I recall that which does not exist yet? – Dumbfounded, I stared
            at her.
                  – It does, only not here.

                  She had a very warm smile which made her very attractive. It seemed as if the
            May sun peeped out from behind a cloud and illuminated everything around.
                  – Are you completely alone here, on Earth? – I still could not believe that.
                  – Certainly not, there are a lot of us, only we are all different. We have lived here

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