Page 158 - Revelation
P. 158

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            enormous vacuum cleaner had sharply drawn me into somewhere, and…the already
            well-known, enigmatic and wonderful world, Vaya’s world, unfolded its beauty before
            me. As I understood later on (too late, I would say), my open violet crystal was the key
            to this world. I did not know how far this unknown world was. Was it real this time? I
            did not know at all how I would get back home, and there was nobody who I could ask.

                  I saw a marvelous emerald valley floodlit with very bright, golden-violet light. The
           sparkling golden clouds slowly drifted in a strange pink sky, almost covering one of the
           two suns. Far away the very high, pointed, odd-looking mountains shone with a heavy
           gold hue. Right near my feet a merry little brook murmured (almost like on Earth), but
           the water was not in the least earthly – it was "thick" and violet, and non-transparent. I
           carefully dipped my hand in it. The startling feeling was most unexpected, as if I touched
           a soft teddy bear... warm and pleasant, but not the fresh and moist feeling to which we
           are accustomed on Earth. I even felt doubts as to whether it  was that which we call
                  The "plush" brook escaped into a green tunnel which was formed by interlaced
           "fluffy" and transparent, silvery-green "lianas" thousands of which hung over the violet
           "water." They "knitted" a whimsical pattern which was decorated by tiny "stars" of
           white, aromatic, amazing flowers.

                  Yes, this world was extraordinarily beautiful. But I would give everything up in
            order to find myself in my earthly world, probably not so beautiful, but so dear and
            well-known! It was the first time that I felt terribly scared and was not ashamed of
            honestly confessing that to myself. I was absolutely alone and there was nobody who
            would give me any friendly advice on what to do next. Therefore, having no other
            choice and gathering my "trembling" will, I decided to move anywhere and not to just
            mark time and wait for something terrible (despite such beauty!) to happen.
                  – How did you get here? – I heard a tender voice in my exhausted with fear brain.
                  I turned around jerkily... and saw the wonderful violet eyes. Vaya stood behind me.

                  – Oh, dear! Is it really you?! – I almost squealed, being seized with unexpected
                  – I saw that you had opened the crystal and came to help. – The girl answered with
            all the calmness in the world. However, her large eyes again scrutinized my frightened
            face and deep, "adult" understanding glimmered in them.

                  – You have to trust me. – The "star" girl whispered.
                  I longed to say "Of course, I trust you!" and that it just was my silly nature which
            all my life forced me to "dash against rocks" and comprehend the world through those
            bumps. But Vaya perfectly understood everything and, smiling her amazing smile,
            softly said:
                  – Do you want me to show my world, since you are here?

                  I joyfully nodded, cheered up and was again ready to perform any "feat." I was
            not alone anymore, which was enough for all bad things to be instantly forgotten and
            the world become enthralling and wonderful again.
                  – But you said you had never been here? – I took heart to ask.

                  – I am not here now. – The girl answered. – My spirit is with you, but my body

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