Page 157 - Revelation
P. 157

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  My  dear  Stella  almost  stopped  "going  for  a  walk"  then  and  for  some
            incomprehensible reason had "a splenetic fit" in her colourful world, not wishing to
            open to me the real reason for her sadness. But this time I succeeded in persuading her
            to go with me by arousing her interest in the danger of the adventure and confessing
            that I was slightly afraid of realizing that kind of "far- reaching" experiment.

                  I warned my grandmother that I was going to try something "very serious". She
            calmly nodded and wished me luck (that was it!). Certainly, her reaction roused a storm
            of resentment in me but I decided not to show her that I had taken offence and, pouting
            like a Christmas turkey, I swore to myself that today something would happen, no
            matter what it cost me! Well, something did happen... but not quite that which I had
                  Stella waited for me, ready for the "boldest feats" and, gathering our nerve, we
            rushed beyond "the limit".

                  This time I could do it much more easily; maybe because this was not the first
            time that I did that, or because the violet crystal was "open." I was rushed out of the
            bounds  of  the  mental  level  of  Earth  like  a  shot  from  a  gun  and  getting  there,  I
            understood that I had slightly overdone it. Stella stayed at the "border" (upon which we
            had agreed beforehand) to secure me, if something went wrong. But it went wrong from
            the very beginning and to my huge regret Stella was unable to reach me where I was
                  The black, ominous space around me breathed with the cold of night. I had been
            dreaming about it for so long, but now it frightened me with its wild, peculiar calmness.
            I  was  absolutely  alone  without  my  "star"  friends’  reliable protection  and  my  loyal
            friend Stella’s warm support. Despite the fact that it was not the first time I had seen
            all this, I suddenly felt little and alone in this unknown world of distant stars, which
            did not seem friendly and well-known here, like they did if one observed them from
            the surface of the Earth. Bit by bit, a mean panic treacherously began to seize me,
            cowardly, squeaking with barefaced horror. But I was a very stubborn little being and
            decided that there is no use in fearing and lamenting and began to look closely at the
            place I was cast into.
                  I hung in the black, almost tangible, emptiness. There was nothing there but some
            occasional "falling stars" which flashed for fractions of a second, dazzling me with

            their tails. The so homely and well-known Earth twinkled with blue luminescence. It
            seemed to be very near, a stone's throw, but to my great regret it was an illusion. In
            reality it was very, very far away. Suddenly I experienced a wild desire to return!!! I
            did not want to “heroically overcome" unknown obstacles anymore. I just longed to
            come back home where everything was so familiar (my grandmothers’ warm pies and
            my favourite books!), instead of hanging frozen in a black, cold "no man’s land" not
            knowing  how  to  get  away  from  all  this,  preferably  without  any  "horrific  and
            irreparable" consequences.
                  I tried to imagine the only thing which came into my head – the violet-eyed girl,
            Vaya. It did not work for some reason; she failed to appear. Then it was my intention
            to open the crystal she had given to me. Immediately everything around me began to
            sparkle, shine and swirl in a frenzied whirlpool of the never-seen matters, I felt as if an

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