Page 156 - Revelation
P. 156

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

            for a very long time, if you wanted to ask that.

                  – What do you do here? And why did you come? – I could not stop asking.
                  – We help when it is necessary. I don’t remember where we came from – I’ve
            never been there. I just saw, like you do now... This is my home.

                  Suddenly the girl became very sad. I wanted to help her somehow, but, to my huge
            regret, I was unable to do that then...
                  – You want to go home very much, don’t you? – I asked carefully.
                  Vaya nodded. Her fragile frame suddenly flared... and I was alone – the "star" girl
            had disappeared. It was very unfair! She could not simply go away!!! That should not
            happen! The real offence of a child, whose favourite toy was suddenly taken away,
            raged within me. But Vaya was not a toy and, frankly speaking, I should be grateful to
            her that she came to visit me at all. Well, the "emotional storm" destroyed the last grains
            of logic in my "suffering" heart then and total confusion reigned in my head. Therefore,
            there  was  no  way  to  switch  on  my  "logical  thinking"  and  I  was  "broken-hearted"
            because  of  the  frightful  loss  and  "dived"  deeply  into  an  ocean  of  "black  despair"
            thinking that my "star" guest would never come back to me. I wanted to ask her about
            so many things! But she disappeared so unexpectedly. Suddenly I felt shame. If all who
            felt the necessity could ask her as many questions as I wanted to, then she just would
            not have time to live! This idea somehow calmed me down. I should simply accept all
            the wonderful things she had shown me (even if I still did not understand them all) with
            gratitude and not moan and groan about not being provided with "everything" instead
            of stirring my becoming lazy brain and finding answers to the questions which had so
            tormented  me.  I  remembered  Stella’s  grandmother  and  thought  that  she  had  been
            absolutely right speaking about the harm of receiving of something for free, because
            the worst thing that ever exists is a person accustomed only to taking. Moreover, no
            matter how much he takes, he can never feel the joy and satisfaction of achieving
            and creating anything personally.

                  I  sat  alone  for  a  long  time  slowly  "digesting"  the  information,  thinking  with
            gratitude about the wonderful "star" girl with the violet eyes. I smiled knowing that
            now I would not stop and rest until I knew what those friends whom I did not know yet
            were, and from what sleep they would awaken me. Then, I could not imagine that no
            matter how hard I tried and did my best, it would happen over many, many years and,
            yes, my "friends" would wake me... But that would be an absolutely different thing
            from what I could surmise then.
                  But then everything seemed to me possible and I, burning with fervent ardour and
            having "iron" persistence, decided to try.

                  No  matter  how  much  I  wanted  to  listen  to  the  reasonable  voice  of  logic,  my
           disobedient brain believed that in spite of the fact that Vaya obviously knew exactly what
           she was talking about, I would gain my ends and find those people (or creatures) who
           should help me to be rid of some incomprehensible "bear hibernation" long before it was
           promised to me. The first thing I decided to do was to try going beyond the limits of the
           Earth and see who would come to me there. Certainly, this was the most foolish thing one
           could think of, but as I strongly believed that I could achieve something anyway, I had to
           "dive" into new, possibly very dangerous, "experiments".

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