Page 160 - Revelation
P. 160

Svetlana de Rohan-Levashova.   Revelation

                  – Tell me, please. Does evil exist in your wonderful world? – I asked, although
            ashamed of the question.

                  – What do you mean by "evil", Human-Svetlana? – The sage asked in return.
                  – Lies, murder, treachery... Do you not really have such words?
                  – It was a long time ago... already nobody remembers. Only I do. But we know

            that it was. It is written in our "ancient memory" in order that we never forget. Did you
            come from a place where evil lives?
                  I sadly nodded. I was so sorry for my dear Earth and for life on it, which being so
            terribly imperfect, forced me to ask me this kind of question. At the same time I wanted
            very much that Evil would leave our Home forever, because I loved this home with
            all my heart and very often dreamed that one day:
                  – One would smile joyfully, being sure that people could bring only good...

                  – A lonely girl would cross the darkest street in the night feeling no fear that
            someone could commit an offence against her...
                  – Everyone  could  gladly  open  his  or  her  heart  without  fear  of  a  best  friend’s

                  – People could leave any very expensive object right in the street without being
            afraid that it would be immediately stolen...
                  I sincerely, with all my heart, believed that somewhere there was a wonderful
            world  where  there  is  no  evil  and  fear,  but  the  simple  joy  of  life  and  beauty...
            Therefore, following my naive dream, I used any slightest chance to learn how it was
            possible to eliminate Evil from our vital and immutable Earth, so that nobody would
            ever be ashamed to call himself Human. Certainly, these were the dreams of a naive
            child, but then I was just a child.
                  – My name is Atis, Human-Svetlana. I have lived here from the very beginning, I
                    saw Evil...
            A lot of Evil...

                  – How did you get rid of it, wise Atis? Did someone help you? – I asked with
            hope. – Can you help us, or at least, give us some advice?
                  – We found the reason... and killed it. But your evil is not subject to us. It is
            different; just as you are different. The stranger’s good cannot always be good for
            you. You must find your reason for yourselves and eliminate it. – He gently put his
            hand on my head and wonderful peace flowed into me. – Farewell, Human-Svetlana...
            you will find the answer to the question. Peace to you.

                  I stood deep in thought and did not pay attention to the surrounding reality that
            had changed long since, and we now "floated" on dense violet "water" standing on
            some unusual, flat and transparent device which had neither handles nor oars, nothing
            at all, as if we stood on a large, thin, moving, transparent glass platform. However, I
            felt neither motion nor rolling. It slid on the surface surprisingly smoothly which gave
            the impression that it did not move at all...
                  – What is it? Where are we going? – I asked with surprise.
                  – To fetch your little friend. – Vaya answered calmly.

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